Step 2: Student Immigration Service reports your completed award

We will contact UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) when your degree has been successfully awarded. We will let you know when we have done this.

Successful completion of your programme 

When your degree is awarded, your EUCLID student record will be updated to state you ‘successfully completed an award’.

If you are a research student, you will need to have done your viva and any corrections must be approved. Only then will you have successfully completed your award.

We then report to UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) when your degree has been awarded and and that you meet the qualification requirements for the Graduate route on the date of the report.

We typically do this within two weeks of your award being published on your EUCLID student record. 

Email confirmation that you can apply for a Graduate visa

 You will receive an email to your student and personal email accounts confirming that we have reported your completed award.

The email will also contain a reminder of your Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) number for your most recent Tier4/Student visa. You will need to include your CAS number in your Graduate visa application. 

You can apply for a Graduate visa as soon as you receive the email confirmation. You do not need to wait until your graduation ceremony. 

If you think you should have already received this email, please contact the Student Immigration Service. 

Contact the Student Immigration Service 

Next step 

Go to Step 3: Submit your application and prove your identity