The application process for a Graduate visa involves a few steps you need to follow. Find out if you qualify for a Graduate visa, what documents you need to provide, how you can apply and how long you need to wait for a decision. You can use the app to apply using your most recent student BRP. Before you can applyYou must wait until the Student Immigration Service has reported your 'successful course completion' for a relevant qualification to UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI). Otherwise, a visa application may be refused.Student visa overview - GOV.UK Step 1: Check you meet the visa requirements You need to meet several requirements to qualify for the Graduate route. Find out what documents you need to show when you apply and if a Graduate visa would meet your needs. Step 2: Student Immigration Service reports your completed award We will contact UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) when your degree has been successfully awarded. We will let you know when we have done this. Step 3: Submit your application and prove your identity When you apply for a Graduate visa you also need to prove your identity. You will usually receive a decision within eight weeks. UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) will notify you of the exact start and end date of your visa. Step 4: Wait for and receive a decision You cannot leave the UK until you get the decision from UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI). This article was published on 2024-07-29