Online immigration status: eVisa

The way you prove your immigration status has changed in the UK. Biometric residence permits (BRPs) have been replaced by the new online eVisa. An eVisa is an online record of your immigration status which can be shared with others.

Overseas travel and returning to studies in the UK

If you travelled outside of the UK, you must ensure that your current passport is linked to your online eVisa account so you can safely re-enter the UK. You may be delayed or denied boarding by airline carriers, if your eVisa information isn't up-to-date and linked to your current passport.

Your advance passenger information (API) provided to a travel carrier (such as an airline) must match your online eVisa details (nationality, immigration status and passport). 

Prepare the following documents to enable re-entry, where you hold valid immigration permission:
  • recent BRP (only if you have one and it expired recently)
  • valid passport (all passports if dual national) 
  • your most recent UKVI visa decision letter, if you have it
  • copy of your eVisa status details 
  • obtain a new valid eVisa share code (valid for 90 days)

If your travel carrier is unable to check your permission to travel, their business should contact the UK Border Force Carrier Support Hub.

If you are unable to demonstrate your permission to travel to your travel carrier, you can call the passenger support helpline on 0800 876 6921

Check your eVisa is correct before you travel

You can download or print a eVisa factsheet for travel


How to create your UKVI online account

What you will need

  • access to a smartphone
  • a mobile phone number (that can connect to a network)
  • a secure personal email address
  • current passport
  • current BRP (if you have one)

Create a UKVI online account to get eVisa access

  • Step 1 - Create a UKVI online account with your passport or BRP
  • Step 2 - Confirm your identity using the ‘UK Immigration ID Check’ app with your ID document
  • Step 3 - Link to the eVisa. Sign back into your online account using emailed link. Read and confirm the declaration by clicking 'submit'. 
  • Step 4 - Check your eVisa details are correct. You’ll get an email when you can view your eVisa (1-3 days normally).

Create a UKVI account

Update your UKVI account

How to generate a share code

  1. Sign in to 'View and Prove service' and view your eVisa
  2. Go to 'Get a sharecode'
  3. Go to 'To prove your immigration status for anything else'

Use the View and Prove Service

How to send us your eVisa share code

Further eVisa guidance and support

An eVisa is an online record of your immigration status in the UK. The eVisa has replaced BRPs. 

You’ll need access to your eVisa account for as long as you hold a valid immigration permission of longer than 6 months.

UKVI Factsheet: eVisas

If you hold valid immigration permission for longer than 6 months, you must get access to your online eVisa account now. 

The new online eVisa system is how you can safely share proof of your immigration status to others, for example when seeking employment/work, study, housing and healthcare. 

Travel carriers, such as airlines, will require proof of immigration permission evidence before being allowed to board/travel into the UK. Lacking online eVisa access, where it is required, will therefore cause inconvenience or major hardship in various situations. 

You already have a UKVI online account with eVisa access, if you have ever:

  • used the ‘UK Immigration: ID Check’ app to prove your identity when applying for a UK visa, or 
  • created an UKVI online account when applying for a UK visa

You will need to keep your account up-to-date with your current passport and personal details. 

Update online eVisa account details

Otherwise, you will need to create a UKVI online account to get eVisa access:

You'll usually need ONE of the following to set up your account:

  • a valid passport and your visa application reference number
  • a valid passport and your BRP reference number
  • your BRP

When creating the UKVI account, you should use the details of the passport which was provided to UKVI when making your most recent immigration application. 

If you apply for a new visa from inside the UK and receive a positive decision on or after 1 November, your visa decision will tell you to set up an eVisa online account. There are no more BRPs issued in the UK from 1 November 2024 onwards.


Who cannot have online eVisa access?

  • Visa issued for less than 6 months duration
  • Visitor permission to enter on arrival (for up to 6 months for non-visa nationals) or hold an Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) to travel as a Visitor and don't have a UK visa.
  • Certificate of entitlement proving you have the 'Right of Abode' in the UK
  • Asylum seekers (waiting on an asylum claim)

You should check your initial UKVI visa decision letter for your actual visa expiry date. 

When you obtain a eVisa account, you must make sure your details, including your expiry date, are correct. 

You must keep your BRP safe even after it expires as it's an important immigration document. You should keep a copy of your UKVI visa decision letter and eVisa emails as part of your UK immigration records.

Visa Decision Letter (982.22 KB / PDF)

GOV.UK - BRP expiring guidance

Student Visa Duration Errors

One of the most common errors is with the expiry date of your Student visa permission.  It is very important that you check your Student visa permission has been granted correctly by UKVI.

Student visa duration granted will depend on the type and length of your programme (as per CAS):

Programme LengthAdditional time normally given after programme end date
12 months or more4 months after CAS course end date
Between 6 and less than 12 months2 months after CAS course end date
Pre-sessional programmes less than 6 months1 month after CAS  course end date
All other programmes less than 6 months7 days after CAS  course end date
If you have a Student visa with no BRP

You may not have a BRP if you used the ‘UK Immigration: ID Check’ app for your most recent visa application. You will have been asked to create an online account already and will have eVisa access. Use the view and prove service to view or share  your eVisa details. 

If travelling overseas, you must make sure your passport is linked to your online eVisa account. It is important to check that your online eVisa ID document details are up to date, before a re-entry/return to the UK.

You should make sure the advance passenger information you provide to a travel carrier (such as an airline) matches your online eVisa details (nationality, immigration status and passport)

You may be delayed or denied boarding by airline carriers, if your eVisa information is not up-to-date and linked to your current passport.

To be able to re-enter the UK, you must prepare all of the following documents:

  • current BRP (even if expired)
  • valid passport (all passports if dual national) 
  • your most recent UKVI visa decision letter, if you have it
  • copy of your eVisa status details 
  • obtain a new valid share code (valid for 90 days)

eVisa travel guidance

eVisa webchat and FAQs

UKVI video guidance: how to travel with an eVisa

Update your eVisa account

You must keep your eVisa account up-to-date with the following details

  • mobile phone number
  • email address
  • name
  • identity document, such as your passport
  • home address in the UK
  • postal address (if different to home address)
  • add extra nationality passport - if you hold dual nationality

Update your eVisa account

How to update your account details - GOV.UK Video

Using your UK Visas and Immigration account - GOV.UK

When a travel carrier requires immigration support for eVisa boarding checks

There is a UKVI Carrier Support Hub that will offer a 24/7 support service to travel carriers and will be staffed by UK Border Force officers. These officers are trained to deal with enquiries from carriers regarding all types of travel document requirements including identity documents, and both physical and e-Visas. 

Carriers and operators can seek advice about a passenger’s permission to travel by calling the UK Border Force Carrier Support Hub. The Carrier Support Hub phone line is for carriers and operators only and not individuals. 

Passenger support helpline 

UKVI have advised that a passenger helpline is being set up to help those who are travelling and experiencing issues verifying their eVisa status. From 9am GMT on 31 December 2024, the passenger support helpline can be contacted on 0800 876 6921. Calls to this number are free of charge. If you cannot contact UK 0800 numbers, you can contact 0203 337 0927, which may incur charges. The passenger support helpline will be available 24/7 for people who are travelling imminently. UKVI contact centre staff operating this service will not be able to resolve technical issues or contact carriers.

If you have an error or a problem with your current eVisa details, you will need to take action before 31 December 2024


Report your eVisa problem to UKVI

Please use the UKVI webform below to report an error with your eVisa account details. You should briefly explain what the error is and enter your information. The eVisa team will respond to you in due course and you will need to monitor this request for further updates.

You may also use the eVisa webchat service for technical or error queries. You should 'ask to speak to an advisor' when starting a new chat so it connects to a person, rather than chatting to a computer (take screenshots of the chat as a record).

Report an error with eVisa using the GOV webform

Use the GOV eVisa webchat service and FAQs

Screenshot of a evisa Webchat - Speak to an advisor not a computer
eVisa webchat prompts - How to be redirected to an agent
Update eVisa account to current passport

Make sure your current passport is updated on your online eVisa account - before overseas travel


If you need further technical assistance

If you encounter any technical issues, there is a webchat service, FAQs and videos to help you

eVisa webchat service and FAQs

'How to' evisa videos

Using the ‘UK Immigration: ID Check’ app


If you cannot sign in to your UKVI online account

UKVI online account recovery is only to be used if you cannot sign in after several attempts. 

If you still require further help with any eVisa issues, you can contact UKVI contact centre for guidance on the eVisa process

If you still need help after checking all of the above guidance, you can send an online enquiry to our team with full details of the eVisa error. 

How to recover access to your account

Contact UK Visas and Immigration for help

Using your UK Visas and Immigration account


If you need help with a lost passport or BRP

You can no longer get a replacement biometric residence permit (BRP). You should still report your BRP as lost to UKVI online.

You should also report your passport as lost with the police and apply for a replacement passport through your embassy. 

If you do not have a valid passport or BRP, you may not be able to use the UKVI IDV app to confirm your identity. UKVI may have to set up a video interview to do this instead. In this case, you must speak to UKVI by phone or start a eVisa webchat with an advisor.

If your BRP is lost or stolen process

Prove your eVisa status without a BRP

Lost or stolen passport and BRP information


How to contact UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI)

From inside the UK - Telephone: 0300 790 6268 - select option 2 - Monday to Thursday (excluding bank holidays), 9am to 4:45pm, Friday (excluding bank holidays), 9am to 4:30pm

General enquiries - Contact UK Visas and Immigration for help (inside UK)

From outside the UK - Telephone: +44 (0)300 790 6268 - select option 1 - Monday to Friday, 24 hours. Calls cost 69 pence per minute on top of your standard network charges. If you cannot contact UK 0300 numbers, use +44 (0)203 875 4669

General enquiries - Contact UK Visas and Immigration for help (outside UK)

If you are a national of the People’s Republic of China holding a passport issued by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or Macao Special Administrative Region, please link your current passport to your eVisa account. The online eVisa when linked should confirm your nationality as China, to match your passport details (MRZ code).

To link a new passport to your UKVI eVisa account, you should:

  1. Sign in to your UKVI account.
  2. Select the option to add an identity document.
  3. Select the option ‘No, my personal details have not changed’.
  4. Complete the required fields to add your passport.
  5. The process is complete once you receive a confirmation email that a new identity document has been added to your UKVI account.

Asylum Seeker - If claiming asylum:

Asylum seekers will continue to use the Application Registration Card (ARC). An eVisa will NOT be issued during the asylum process. You cannot get need access at this time.

An eVisa is for those who have been granted permission to stay in the UK (for example, Refugee leave to remain). If you are granted leave to remain following a positive asylum decision, you will need eVisa access at that point. 

Make sure your contact details are up-to-date with your asylum claim. If you are awaiting a decision on your asylum claim, provide your phone number and email address to UKVI/Home Office as soon as possible using the inbox. Those acting on your behalf, such as your solicitor (if the UKVI/Home Office doesn’t have an up-to-date Letter of Authority) should also use the inbox and attach a Letter of Authority to the email address.

The UK government has plans to replace physical ARC card with a digital format, later in 2026. However, there is no clear timeline for this transition. Until then, ARC cards will continue to be issued to individuals who are claiming asylum. 

e-Visa FAQs - Scottish Refugee Council

Migrant Help - Guidance

Migrant Help - Asylum Guide

What happens when you get Refugee Status? – Right to Remain


If you have Refugee Status with a BRP, you must set up your online eVisa account now:

You can set up your UKVI online account for eVisa access using your BRP.

If you were granted refugee status in the UK recently, you may have been issued an eVisa already with no BRP. Your UKVI immigration decision email tells you further information. You should save/keep your UKVI emails safe as these are part of your immigration records.

Further eVisa help as a refugee - Scottish Refugee Council 

Support organisations in Scotland that offer eVisa help


Legacy Documents - If you have Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) and were never issued a BRP, you'll need to upgrade your documents with a NTL application:

If you have ILE or ILR status, you are free of immigration time restrictions and considered to be ‘settled’ in the UK (if ordinarily resident). 

If you have ILR status evidenced on a ISD (letter) or paper document (and were never issued a BRP), you must apply for a free 'No Time Limit (NTL)' online application. These older types of documents are known as an immigration status document (ISD), a wet-ink stamp in a passport or a vignette sticker. A BRP would have never been issued to you in these cases. 

A No Time Limit (NTL) is an application to get confirmation of your status as an online eVisa. Once the NTL application is decided, you will receive access to an online 'eVisa'. You will be told how to access the eVisa in your new UKVI decision letter (via email)

You can continue to prove your rights using your existing older immigration documents during the transition period, where this is permitted. 

e-Visa support and FAQs - Scottish Refugee Council

‘No Time Limit’ (NTL) application

Indefinite leave to remain in the UK: your rights and status

Windrush scheme information