New students

You can request a CAS as soon as you have accepted an unconditional offer. How long it takes to receive your CAS number depends on your level of study and the time of year.

When to request a CAS 

You can request a CAS as soon as you have accepted an unconditional offer. You cannot request a CAS if you only have a conditional offer. 

There will be a waiting period after you request your CAS. Usually, we will not issue your CAS number until: 

  • 6 months before your programme start date if applying outside the UK  
  • 3 months before your programme start date if applying inside the UK 

However, if you applied through UCAS, your CAS number won't be issued until July at the earliest.

How to get a CAS number

Find out how to request a CAS as an incoming undergraduate student. You should not expect your CAS number until July at the earliest.

Find out how to request a CAS as an incoming postgraduate student. We aim to issue CAS within 5 working days. However, it may take longer depending on your circumstances.

Have you read our Guidance on CAS issuance?

By requesting a CAS you confirm that you have read and understand the University's principles for issuing a CAS

Guidance for CAS Issuance

Issues with receiving or with the details on your final CAS?

What to do: