Normally, you would need to prepare specific documents to meet the Student financial requirements. However, if you are applying from inside the UK and have been living in the UK for at least 12 continuous months with valid visa permission, you can meet the financial requirements automatically. If you're applying from inside the UK, you may meet the financial requirements automaticallyIf you are applying from inside the UK and have been living in the UK for at least 12 months with a valid visa/immigration permission (with less than 3 months of total absences from the UK in recent 12 month period), you should meet the financial requirements automatically. In this case, you won't require any financial evidence for your visa application.Find out what other visa documents you may needIf you cannot meet it automatically from inside the UK or applying from outside the UK, you'll need to follow our guidance below.If you're applying from outside the UK (or inside the UK but cannot meet it automatically)You'll need to prepare your financial documents ready to meet the visa requirements by date of application. However, depending on your nationality you may not need to submit this evidence with your initial visa application (see below for low risk nationality information). If you are not classed as a low risk nationality, you must submit your financial evidence at point of application.Find our how much money you need to showLow risk nationalities do not need to provide financial evidence at the point of application'Low risk nationalities' do not need to provide financial evidence at the point of application (inside or outside the UK). You must still have prepared documentation to meet the financial requirements by your date of application. However, you won't need to actually submit your financial evidence at the point of application. The UKVI decision maker can still request for your financial evidence later, during the application process before a visa decision is issued.Student visa : Money you needFind out which nationalities are classed as low risk Please note, there are different rules for student dependants (low risk nationality) that apply on their own. Document checklist for dependants of Students This article was published on 2024-07-29