How to complete International Check-in

How you complete International Check-in will depend on the type of immigration permission you have.

Booking for International Check-in during Welcome Week (7-13 Sept) will open on 5th August 2024

Book an appointment for International Check-in [MyEd Login Required] 

Before booking or attending an in-person appointment, please read the information below to find out what you need to do to complete international check-in

Students must complete Online Registration before we can complete your international check-in

All students coming to the UK with Standard Visitor visa permission must complete the required International Check-in.

All non-EU/EEA/Swiss nationals entering the UK need to attend an in-person appointment for International Check-in.

You will need to upload a copy of your passport and attend an in-person appointment for International Check-in after you enter the UK.

If you hold EU pre-settled or settled status, you will still need to complete International Check-in, but you don’t need to attend an appointment. 

If you are coming to the UK for a Pre-sessional English language programme, you will need to attend your first International Check-in appointment after you arrive in June. The process is different depending on whether you received a single or a combined CAS.

If you are making an application for a Student visa in the UK, you will need to attend two in-person appointments for International Check-in.

Find out the process for International Check-in if you have another type of visa, for example Hong Kong BN(O) or Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR), or if you are bringing dependants.

Information for Graduate visa holders

Information for Graduate visa holders.

Please read the information below to find out what actions are required before attending an in-person international check-in appointment. You will find the booking link in the 'Book your appointment' section below. 

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: We're experiencing technical difficulties with our booking system. Our team is working hard to resolve the issue. We apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience. Please check back soon or contact us directly for any issues.