What does the annual review look like?

The annual review is divided into sections for the student and their supervisors to complete.

  • When the review opens, the student and their Principal Supervisor will be sent an email notification containing a link to the annual review form.
  • After the student completes their part, the review will progress through a series of stages (Principal Supervisor, Additional Supervisors, Student Sign Off, Additional School Sign Off, and Postgraduate Director for final sign off).
  • Each time the review moves to the next stage, an email will be sent to the recipient with a link to their part of the review.
Student section contains a series of questions and a plan of action that they must complete before they can submit the review to the next stage.  The student can also upload documents if this is required.
Principal Supervisor section contains a detailed series of questions on the student's performance and the Principal Supervisor's recommendations.  If required, the Principal Supervisor can also upload documents to the review.
Additional Supervisor comments and feedback enables each Additional Supervisor to enter comments and indicate whether they approve the review.
Student Sign Off.  Once all supervisors have completed their parts the review will return to the student.  The student has an opportunity to read their supervisors' comments before they sign it off.
School Additional Sign Off. The inclusion of an Additional Sign off is optional and managed in EUCLID by the School's administrators.  The Additional Sign Off can be either an administrator or an academic.  They will check whether the review is complete, for example no supporting documents have been missed.  The Additional Sign Off cannot enter data or upload documents to the review.
Postgraduate Director.  The Postgraduate Director can enter comments and sign off the review, or they can return it to the Principal Supervisor if further action is required.
Principal Supervisor view with arrows

Annual Review Form Workflow image

Annual Review Form Questions



 Now let's look at when and how annual reviews open.