Key dates within the 2024/25 session to support the academic administrative cycle. University of Edinburgh Semester dates: 1Week numberDatesActivitiesReason for dateWelcome week 2024/2509-Sep-2024Welcome WeekInternational check-in (from Saturday 7th) 01.16-Sep-2024Monday 16th: Semester 1 starts/ Start of Teaching Block 1International check-in 02.23-Sep-2024Wednesday 25th: Graduation registration form for winter ceremonies opensOpened once schools have agreed ceremony allocations, after first 2 weeks of term03.30-Sep-2024Cancel new and continuing students who have completed no matriculation action (excluding part-time intermittent students)Tuesday 1st October: Extended Deadline for course setup (originally Friday 27th Sep)Tuesday 1st October: Extended Deadline for assessment and extension information to be entered in assessment structures in APT (originally Friday 27th Sep)Tuesday 1st October: Extended Deadline for student course enrolments (except with special permission as per regulations) (originally Friday 27th Sep)Tuesday 1st October: 2025/26 apply links open for Direct and Other AdmissionsFriday 4th: Exam timetabling deadline for student course enrolments/removalsAs per the withdrawal and exclusion policyTo allow submission of extension requestsStudents must be enrolled on courses by end of Week 2Open after cycle changeover from previous admissions cycle04.07-Oct-2024Remove courses for new and continuing students who have not had attendance confirmed (excluding part-time intermittent)To allow publication of exam timetabling in w/c 28/Oct05.14-Oct-2024Friday 18th: End of Teaching Block 1 06.21-Oct-2024Monday 21st: Start of Teaching Block 2Cancel or withdraw students who have failed to complete matriculation (excluding part-time intermittent students)Friday 25th: Deadline for student course removals - only withdrawals allowed after this dateFriday 25th at 12 noon: Deadline for ratified course marks to be in EUCLID following course boards (to be published to students by noon on 4th November) As per the withdrawal and exclusion policy07.28-Oct-2024Friday 1st November: Exam timetable published to students 08.04-Nov-2024Monday 4th at 12 noon: Deadline for publication of awards for students due to graduate in NovemberMonday 4th at 12 noon: Graduation application form closes for students wishing to attend a winter ceremonyTuesday 5th: Report to UKVI begins for students eligible for Graduate Route visa following awards deadlineCancel or withdraw continuing part-time intermittent students who have failed to complete matriculationTwo weeks in advance of graduation ceremonies starting After graduations deadline so that students exiting early are not included09.11-Nov-2024 10.18-Nov-2024Wednesday 20th – Thursday 28th: Graduations 11.25-Nov-2024Wednesday 20th – Thursday 28th: GraduationsFriday 29th: End of Teaching Block 2Sunday 1st December: PG EERS rollover and 2024/24 reports created, deletion of PG EERS reports created more than 5 years agoTeaching delivery period slots created for 2025/26 Examiner terms and references to be set up by 29th Nov for any final 2023/4 reportsCreated at the same time as next year’s timetabling database12.02-Dec-2024Exam revision 13.09-Dec-2024Monday 9th December – Friday 20th: Exams (including Saturdays) 14.16-Dec-2024Monday 9th – Friday 20th: ExamsFriday 20th: Semester 1 ends 15.23-Dec-2024Monday 23rd: Winter vacation begins Semester 2Week numberDatesActivitiesReason for date16.30-Dec-2024Winter vacation 17.06-Jan-2025Monday 6th January: Start of teaching for CMVM online programmesWednesday 8th – Friday 10th: Welcome for students commencing studies in JanuaryInternational check-inFriday 10th at 12 noon: Final deadline for submitting late special circumstances applications for Semester 1 courses For School-specific deadlines please see dates here: Special circumstances deadlines18.13-Jan-2025Monday 13th: Semester 2 starts/ Start of Teaching Block 3International check-inFriday 17th: Courses with no student enrolments for previous 6 academic years closedFriday 17th: Curriculum rollover (courses/DPTs) Allows time to update DPTs ahead of DRPS publication19.20-Jan-2025Friday 24th: Deadline for student course enrolments/removal for courses starting in Semester 2Friday 24th: Deadline for course setup for courses starting in Semester 2Friday 24th: Deadline for assessment and extension information to be entered in assessment structures in APT for courses starting in Semester 2Students must be enrolled on courses by end of Semester 2 Week 2 To allow submission of extension requests20.27-Jan-2025Wednesday 29th: Cancel new and continuing students who have completed no matriculation action (excluding new part-time intermittent)As per withdrawal and exclusion policy21.03-Feb-2025Remove courses for new and continuing students who have not had attendance confirmed (excluding part-time intermittent)Thursday 6th February at 12 noon: Deadline for Semester 1 UG course results to be published to students in EUCLIDFriday 7th: DPS RolloverTo allow publication of exam timetabling in w/c 03/Mar In advance of DRPS publication22.10-Feb-2025Friday 14th: End of Teaching Block 3 23.17-Feb-2025Wednesday 19th: Cancellation of students who have not completed matriculation (excluding new part-time intermittent students)Thursday 20th at 12 noon: Deadline for Semester 1 PGT course results to be published to students in EUCLIDFlexible learning week As per withdrawal and exclusion policy Following UG publication 2 weeks earlier 24.24-Feb-2025Monday 24th: Start of Teaching Block 4 25.03-Mar-2025Exam timetable published to studentsMonday 3rd: Graduation ceremonies allocated to taught students in EUCLID In advance of graduation registration form opening26.10-Mar-2025CAS issuance for September 2025 applicants begins 27.17-Mar-2025Graduation registration form opens to students Annual EUCLID upgrade: from 2pm on Friday 21st March to 9am on Monday 24th MarchOpened once schools have agreed ceremony allocations, opens in March so it is ahead of exam period for studentsAnnual upgrade to stay in support contract with vendor28.24-Mar-2025 29.31-Mar-2025Monday 31st – Friday 4th April: Spring vacation (CMVM online programmes only)Friday 4th: Teaching Block 4 ends 30.07-Apr-2025Monday 7th – Friday 18th: Spring vacationThursday 10th: Publish 2025/26 DRPS and Path Earliest DRPS can be published for next year with the data accurate31.14-Apr-2025Monday 7th – Friday 18th: Spring vacation 32.21-Apr-2025Exam revision 33.28-Apr-2025Monday 28th: Start of Teaching Block 5+Monday 28th April – Friday 23rd May: Exams (including Saturdays) 34.05-May-2025Monday 28th April – Friday 23rd May: Exams (including Saturdays) 35.12-May-2025Monday 28th April – Friday 23rd May: Exams (including Saturdays) 36.19-May-2025Monday 28th April – Friday 23rd May: ExamsFriday 23rd: Semester 2 ends 37.26-May-2025Friday 30th at 12 noon: Final deadline for submitting late exceptional circumstances applications for Semester 2 coursesFor School-specific deadlines please see dates here: Exceptional circumstances deadlines38.02-Jun-2025CAS issuance for September 2025 applicants begins for those already in the UKFriday 6th June at 12 noon: Deadline for ratified marks for Honours courses to be in EUCLID following course boards (to be published to students by noon on 16th June) Marks need to be ratified ahead of joint board dates39.09-Jun-2025Tuesday 10th and Wednesday 11th: Joint Programme Board Dates (Honours) 40.16-Jun-2025Monday 16th at 12 noon: Deadline for publication of awards and course marks for students who are due to graduate in SummerMonday 16th at 12 noon: Graduation application form closes for students wishing to attend a summer ceremonyTuesday 17th: Report to UKVI begins for students eligible for Graduate Route visa following awards deadlineFriday 20th at 12 noon: Deadline for ratified marks for non-Honours and PGT courses to be in EUCLID following course boards (to be published to continuing students by noon on 1st July)Two weeks in advance of graduation ceremonies starting One week before publication deadline41.23-Jun-2025 42.30-Jun-2025Tuesday 1st July at 12 noon: Deadline for publication of progression decisions and course marks for continuing students (UG & PGT)Wednesday 2nd – Tuesday 15th: GraduationsTwo weeks in advance of resit exam timetable publication43.07-Jul-2025Wednesday 2nd – Tuesday 15th: GraduationsFriday 11th: Student rollover into new academic sessionRegistration opens for August/September continuing PGs and August continuing UGs Two weeks in advance of new academic session44.14-Jul-2025Wednesday 2nd – Tuesday 15thJuly: GraduationsFriday 18th: End of Teaching Block 5+Resit exam timetable published to students 45.21-Jul-2025Monday 21st: Student records created for 2025/26 PG September new entrantsSix weeks before programme start date46.28-Jul-2025Friday 1st August: Academic Year 2025/26 beginsFriday 1st: UG EERS rollover and 2025/26 reports created, deletion of UG EERS reports created more than 5 years ago Examiner terms and references to be set up by 30th July for any final 2024/5 reports47.04-Aug-2025Monday 4th – Friday 15th: Resit Exams 48.11-Aug-2025TBC: Student records created for 2025/26 UG September new entrantsRegistration opens for continuing September UGsMonday 4th – Friday 15th: Resit ExamsAfter UCAS embargo period ends49.18-Aug-2025 50.25-Aug-2025Monday 25th at 12 noon: Final deadline for submitting late exceptional circumstances applications for resitsFriday 29th at 12 noon: Deadline for resit marks to be ratified in EUCLID following resit exam boardsTBC: Final deadline for submitting late exceptional circumstances applications for PGT dissertations One week before progression decisions deadline51.01-Sep-2025 52.08-Sep-2025Monday 8th at 12 noon: Deadline for publication of progression decisions and course marks to students following outcome of Resit Exams DietWelcome Week for students commencing 2025/6In advance of start of term This article was published on 2024-07-29