Add a note to a student group

The steps below provide a description of the actions required to add a note against a group of students.

Click on the Teaching and Research tab and find Euclid.

Click on the Student Adviser tab.

Select the students you wish to add a note against by ticking the box next to each student. Alternatively, you can tick on the box at the top to select all your students.

Once you have selected the students, click on the Add a group note for selected students link, on the right hand side menu:

Student list within student adviser tool showing radio buttons to select students from the list and Add a group note button.

Complete the Subject Line and key in the text within the Notes field:

Screenshot of Add a group note window showing subject line, notes, category and document field. Save note button highlighted.

Select the appropriate note Category and upload any documents if required.

Click on the Save Note button.

This will display the confirmation screen:

Screenshot of Add a group note window showing confirmation that a note has been added and a list of students it has been sent to

Click the Close button.

You can view any notes or comments posted against a group of students by clicking on the Group Messages/Meetings tab:

Screenshot of Student Adviser tool showing a list of students and highlighting the Group Messages/Meetings button.

This will display all messages/meetings added by yourself against the group of students.

Screenshot of Group Messages/Meetings tab showing a group meeting and a note.

Adding a note will result in an email being sent to each student, notifying them of the update. This can then be viewed by them via the MyEd Student Support Team tool.

As the Student Adviser you will be able to see all notes/comments made by yourself against the group meeting, however, to view student comments/notes you will need to view their Notes/Meetings individually.

The group of students invited to the meeting will see all of your notes/comments, but none of the other students notes/comments.