Scholarship Application Decisions

Guidance on the Decision Making process.

Staff with decision making access to the Manage Scholarship Applications area, as per screening access, will have the ability to :

  • change the application status
  • record an application recommendation
  • record an application rank or score
  • add notes for decision making
  • upload documents

For further information on the above please refer to the Scholarship Application Screening

In addition to all screening access, this decision maker can also:

  • inform the applicant of an award
  • inform the applicant that they are on the reserve list
  • inform the applicant that they have been unsuccessful


The Decision Maker should review all relevant scholarship application details, including any notes or additional documentation uploaded by the application screener.  The application screener may also have recorded a recommendation on each of the applications prior to the update of the status to Under consideration.

Decision buttons will appear at the bottom of the screen when the application has been updated with a status of Under consideration and when we are not within the exam results embargo periods. The system is supporting both UG and PG scholarships and we cannot permit awards to be made to UG applicants during the embargo periods, therefore the buttons are temporarily removed.

application decision

Prior to making an award, you must upload an Award Letter within the upload facility located on the documents tab. The award letter will be made available to the applicant when the offer of an award is made and the applicant is requested to read the document prior to accepting or declining the award.

Use the decision buttons to:

  • Offer - inform the applicant of an award
  • Reserve - inform the applicant that they are on the reserve list
  • Unsuccessful - inform the applicant that they have been unsuccessful

Please ensure that you have a number of applicants on your reserve list, rather than making the remaining applicants unsuccessful.  It is quite common for several applicants to decline offers of awards as they intend to study elsewhere and the reserve list is exhausted.

A subsequent tidy up of all remaining applicants on the reserve list should be made once successful applicants have taken up their awards as they begin their studies.