Use the Scholarship template to request a new Scholarship fund to be available to applicants in the Euclid Scholarship Portal. Send your completed template to the Scholarships Team. Document Scholarships Template 2025 (494.3 KB / XLSX) Access the above scholarship template and save the template to a preferred location. Save as file name: ‘Scholarship Name’ Request for New Scholarship Save as file type: Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (*.xlsm) Completion of template Before completing the template please read through this guidance and determine what information is required and which eligibility criteria are relevant to the new scholarship. Where anything is unclear, the Scholarships Team are available to discuss any queries you may have. Send the completed template to the Scholarships team, they will confirm when the Scholarship is set up within Euclid. Scholarships and Financial Support Team Contact details Website: Contact Form Work: +44 (0)131 651 4070 - lines open Monday to Friday, 10am-4pm. Image Administrative Details: Request for a new scholarship submitted by Full name of RequestorScholarship team checks completed by Central Scholarship Team onlyEuclid creation completed by Student Systems only Scholarship Details:Name of Scholarship Full name of ScholarshipUG or PG Is the scholarship available to Undergraduate (UG) only, Postgraduate (PG) only, or both UG and PG (Any). Select from dropdown list.Scholarship applicant type Is the scholarship available to Applicant for Admission only, Student on Programme only or both Applicant and Student (Any). Select from dropdown list.Scholarship duration The period of time the awarded scholarship will pay out to the successful candidate either in years or for the prescribed period. Where Prescribed Period, this is the programme duration excluding writing up (PGR). Select from dropdown list.Application deadline The date the scholarship will close to applications. Format DD/MMM/YYYY.Scholarship live from Central Scholarship Team only Funding Details:Component type Define the type of funding included within the scholarship award. Select from the dropdown list.Source of funding The actual source of the funding for this particular component. Select from the dropdown list.Amount of funding Enter the amount of funding for this particular component.Invoice to (if tuition fee component) Who is to be invoiced for the tuition fee component where the student is not to be invoiced? (This is internal settlement only). Select from dropdown list. Programme Details:Where the scholarship is to be restricted to applicants on specific programmes then the programmes must be selected within the appropriate tabs. Filtering has been provided within the tabs to assist the requestor with this task. Where a scholarship is restricted by programme, then the criteria contained within the Section B are not required to be completed. Click on the relevant Academic level link in the template (UG or PG or both) to complete. Please note, Section B is not required to be completed where the scholarship is restricted to applicants on specific programmes as per the detail provided within Section A. Image Online Distance LearningIs the scholarship to be available to applicants/students on online distance learning programmes? Select response from dropdown list. Study ModesOne or more study modes may be eligible for the scholarship fund, select all modes of study that are eligible to apply. Select response from the dropdown list.CollegesIf all eligible programmes fall within a particular College(s) then select the eligible College(s). Please note, this criterion is not required where an individual School(s) are being selected. Select response from the dropdown list.SchoolsWhere all programmes fall within a particular School(s) then select the eligible School(s). Select response from the dropdown List.Academic OutcomesWhere a scholarship can be restricted to applicants studying for a particular Academic Outcome. Select response from dropdown list. PhD Doctorate Degree PG Masters Masters Taught and Masters Research PG DIP Postgraduate Diploma, General Postgraduate Diploma & Postgraduate Diploma by Research PG CERT PG Certificate & Professional Graduate Diploma in Education Hons First Degree with Honours The criteria located within Section C are optional and are provided where you want to restrict eligibility further. These may be combined where either the eligible Programme(s) defined in Section A or where any of the Section B criteria are completed. Image Nationality GroupsAll Nationalities are grouped into 3 geographical groups. Where the scholarship is to be restricted to applicants with particular Nationalities, please check whether you are able to use Nationality Groups before proceeding to the Nationality criterion. If using Nationality Groups, then select response from dropdown list provided.All UKEU outside UKOverseas outside EUFor further details on the countries included in these groupings please refer to the Nationality Groups. NationalitiesWhere eligible Nationality Group(s) have been identified, there is no need to use the Nationality criterion.Where the scholarship is to be restricted by Nationality, all eligible countries are to be selected in the Nationality tab. Please select ‘Yes’ from the dropdown for every eligible Nationality. Country of Domicile GroupsAll Country of Domiciles are grouped into 6 geographical groups. Where the scholarship is to be restricted to applicants residing in particular Countries, please check whether you are able to use Country of Domicile Groups before proceeding to the Domicile criterion. If using Country of Domicile Groups, then select response from dropdown list provided.ScotlandChannel Islands/Isle of ManOther UKAll UKEU outsied UKOverseas outside EUFor further details on the countries included in these groupings please refer to the Country of Domicile Groups. Countries of DomicileWhere eligible Country of Domicile Group(s) have been identified, there is no need to use the Country of Domicile criterion.Where the scholarship is to be restricted by Country of Domicile, all eligible countries are to be selected in the Domicile tab. Please select ‘Yes’ from the dropdown for every eligible Country of Domicile. Duration of ProgrammeIf appropriate, programme duration may be used to restrict applications to programmes of a specific duration. Where programme duration is being used, both a minimum and maximum duration must be provided. For example, if you wish to restrict to programmes of 2 years only, then both the minimum and maximum values would be 2. Select the appropriate values from the dropdown lists. Within Section D, the requestor has the opportunity to provide details of any specific questions to be put to the applicants for this scholarship. Image Additional questions (Closed response)It is possible to have an additional question(s), with yes or no responses, included within the scholarship application and taken into account when determining scholarship eligibility.For example: ‘Are you currently working in or employed by a Polish Medical University or Research Institute?’‘Are you in your senior year at Princeton University?’‘Do you hold a First Class Honours undergraduate degree from a Scottish University, or alternatively expect to receive a First Class Honours undergraduate degree from a Scottish University prior to commencing your PhD?’There is a maximum number of 255 characters that may be used in a question, and the response to such questions can only be ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. Additional questions (Within personal statement)It is possible to ask the applicant to respond to an additional question within the personal statement.There is a standard format to the screen and wording presented to every applicant.When there are no additional questions to be answered within the personal statement, the text displayed to the applicant is:“Please complete your personal statement below (300 to 500 words, and there is a limit of 3500 characters) explaining why you think that you are a particularly suitable candidate for this scholarship and why you wish to pursue your studies at the University of Edinburgh.” Where additional questions have been included that require a response within the personal statement, the text displayed to the applicant is:“Please complete your personal statement below (300 to 500 words, and there is a limit of 3500 characters) explaining why you think that you are a particularly suitable candidate for this scholarship and why you wish to pursue your studies at the University of Edinburgh. Specific information to include within your personal statement” followed by the text supplied within the template. For example:“Please complete your personal statement below (300 to 500 words, and there is a limit of 3500 characters) explaining why you think that you are a particularly suitable candidate for this scholarship and why you wish to pursue your studies at the University of Edinburgh.Specific Information to include within your personal statementWhat achievements, academically and personally, are you most proud of, and why do you feel they qualify you for a DHL UK Foundation Scholarship? What difference do you think a DHL UK Foundation Scholarship will make to your studies and experience of University?” This article was published on 2024-07-29