Robertson Trust Scholarship

The Robertson Trust Scholarship is jointly funded by The Robertson Trust and University of Edinburgh. The Robertson Trust Scholarship has supported career development amongst Scottish undergraduates since 1992.

The Robertson Trust’s Journey to Success programme offers financial support for those aged 16-25 to overcome financial and social barriers to gain the university education they aspire to. Mentoring and support is provided to support the student, including:

Welcome Event: designed to begin building the peer support networks scholars can benefit from to ease their transition into university and maximise the potential of their degree. 

Leadership development: encourage second-year Scholars to support their peers throughout the Welcome Event and first year at university.  

Personal development training sessions: improve the self-awareness needed for university and graduate recruitment success. 

Career Pathways and Internships: support Scholars to source meaningful work experience, access career awareness-raising activities and make professional contacts. 

Alumni Network: encourages our alumni to mentor younger scholars and help build the Journey to Success support network.



The University is pleased to partner with the Robertson's Trust to provide funding of £4,250 per year. This is comprised of a minimum of £2,125 from the Robertson's Trust and £2,125 from the University Access Edinburgh Scholarship Scheme.


Full details for applicants or their supporters can be found at Who and what we fund | The Robertson Trust. The Robertson Trust assess applications for the scholarship and have the following eligibility:

16-25 year olds accessing a programme of undergraduate study at a Scottish University; 

Candidates are assessed according to both financial need and academic ability; it is expected that recipients of the award are high achievers;

Commitment to learning and a keenness to participate on our self-development programme, The Journey to Success;

Clear indication of financial need i.e. evidence of low income, receipt of EMA/Free School Meals, entitlement to maximum amount of SAAS;

Evidence of socio-economic challenges or care experience impacting on education;

Resident in Scotland at time of application;

‘Leave to remain’ within the UK;

Only first degrees with evidence of a university offer can be considered.