Electronics prizes

Eight prizes are available

Dinnis Prize

A prize awarded annually to the most deserving student in third year Electromagnetics as determined by the Board of Examiners.

This prize commemorates a distinguished former lecturer of the University of Edinburgh.

Ewart Farvis Prize

Awarded annually to the final year student of Electrical Engineering who excels in project work of industrial relevance on the BEng Honours programme.

The prize may be withheld if there is no candidate with sufficient merit.

Selex Prize 

A prize awarded annually to the most deserving thrid year student as determined by the Board of Examiners.


A prize awarded annualy to an outstanding student as determined by the Board of Examiners. No restrictions are placed on the manner in which this award can be used.

NEC Semiconductor Prize

Two prizes are awarded annum for the duration of three years to Electronics and Electrical Engineering first year students for excellence .

Dialog Semiconductor Prize

A prize awarded annually to the student with the best overall performance in the Sigma Delta Data Converters course.

Whittington Prize

A prize is awarded to the student with the best overall performance in graduating classes of the MEng Single Honours degree in Electronics.

This prize commemorates Bert Whittington, a leading figure in the Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering.

Alasdair Sutherland Prize

A prize awarded annually to the most deserving student in Electronics Project Laboratory  as determined by the Board of Examiners.

This prize commemorates a distinguished former lecturer of the University of Edinburgh.