Barnson Bequest College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

The Barnson Bequest was set up to encourage Scottish students to broaden their education by attending vacation study, preferably of a cultural rather than a technological nature, at any foreign University.

In 2023-2024, the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences is able to make up to 24 awards of £750 each, to support eligible undergraduate students to enrol in a course of study during the vacation period, at a foreign university of appropriate academic reputation.

If not applied for this purpose, the funding can also be used to support other students of Scottish nationality – whether undergraduate or postgraduate – to undertake a fieldwork project or other studies in the UK or abroad. In the event that demand exceeds the available funding, applications for undergraduate vacation study abroad will be prioritised.



  • Under the conditions of the bequest, the awards are open to Scottish students only. Scottish students are classified as UK Nationals whose University of Edinburgh fee status is ‘Scotland fee rate’.
  • Undergraduate students in the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences are eligible to apply.
  • Students must be current University of Edinburgh students at the time of the funded study. Students in the final year of undergraduate study are therefore not eligible for funding for vacation study after the end of their programme in 2024.
  • Applicants should ensure that they meet the entry requirements and other criteria of the institution offering their chosen course of funded study PRIOR to applying for an award.
  • If the application relates to fieldwork, this must be completed by 31 August 2024.
  • Fieldwork must not form a part of any assessed work, course work or curriculum development.
  • Applicants who have been awarded this scholarship in previous years are still eligible to apply, although first time applications may be given priority.​​


Applications are now closed as the 26th April 2024 deadline has passed.

  • Applications and associated documents are to be sent to by the closing date.
  • Only complete application forms, including referee statements, will be considered 
  • Applications are unlikely to be considered after the closing date.


Each applicant has to complete the application form including a personal statement and detailed project proposal (where the application relates to fieldwork). Each application must also be supported by a risk assessment. Risk assessment will be circulated once applications have been assessed and approved.

Reference requirements

All applications must be supported by a reference from one academic member of staff (this might be a Personal Tutor, Course Organiser or lecturer) who can comment on the suitability of the chosen course in relation to your degree studies. If the application relates to fieldwork you must ask the member of academic staff who will act as your Project Supervisor to write a letter of support.

References must be sent separately by the member of academic staff to by Friday 26th April 2024.

Reference Templates are available below for this purpose. 


Selection Criteria

The Dean of Education selects applicants to receive an award, based on the quality of the application statements, in particular the expected benefits that the course of study or project will have for the applicant’s future study and/or career plans. In the event that demand exceeds the available funding, applications for cultural rather than technical courses, and overseas rather than UK courses, will be given priority, in line with the terms of the bequest.

Report following Completion of Funded Project

It is a condition of the award that candidates must provide a brief report on their return (around 1000 words) outlining their experience on their study away from University of Edinburgh. This report is to be submitted to the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences via email to  by 31 August 2024. ​ A report template will be sent to successful applicants with their notification of an award.




Successful applicants will be notified by email no later than Friday 10th May 2024.

Award of Credit and Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR)

Please note that any credit gained from study at another institution supported by this award will not count towards a University of Edinburgh degree. However, the Barnson Bequest Award and information about the course and credits achieved (or project completed) can be listed in your Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR).


Please direct any enquiries to