Frank Knox Memorial Fellowships

Fellowships will be available for graduate students, men or woman from the United Kingdom, to study for up to two consecutive years in one of the Faculties of Harvard.

The value of each Fellowship is at least $32,000 plus tuition and health service fees per annum.

Information about the fellowships can be found on

Frank Knox Harvard

Full details of the competition and online application can be found on

The competition will be open to British citizens normally resident in the UK, at the time of application:

  • are studying for a first or higher degree and will graduate in the academic year 2020-2021 OR
  • are a UK-registered PhD student hoping for an additional year as a Visiting Fellow at Harvard OR
  • have completed a first or higher degree and graduated most recently no earlier than 2016.

Please note that persons who graduated most recently before 2016 will not be eligible to apply.


Applications will open on 12th August and close on 21st October 2020.

Enquiries regarding the Fellowships are welcome.