Biological Sciences prizes

A number of prizes are available covering all years of study.

A class prize will be awarded to the best Biological Sciences student taking each of our courses in Years 1-3. These prizes consist of a certificate or medal, along with recognition on the student’s transcript.


We are grateful for prize sponsorship from: MacGillivray, Moyra Lyndsay Stewart, TB Macaulay, Jack Roberts memorial, William Turner and The Buchanan Prize.


Other prizes include:

Biochemistry 4

The prize to the value of £100 is awarded to the student with the best overall performance in Biochemistry 4.

The Biochemical Society Undergraduate Recognition Award

Membership to The Biomedical Society, a certificate and £50 will be awarded to the student with the most distinguished performance.

Biotechnology 4

The prize to the value of £100 is awarded to the student with the best overall performance in Biotechnology 4.

Cell Biology & Molecular Biology 4

The prize to the value of £100 is awarded to the student with the best overall performance in Cell Biology & Molecular Biology 4.

The prize to the value of £100 is awarded to the student with the best Cell Biology & Molecular Biology 4 Project.

Development, Regeneration & Stem Cells 4

The prize to the value of £100 is awarded to the student with the best overall performance in Development, Regeneration & Stem Cells 4.

Ecology 4

The prize to the value of £100 is awarded to the student with the best overall performance in Ecology 4.

Ashworth Prize

The prize to the value of £300 and a Class Medal will be awarded for excellence in Evolutionary Biology 4.

Genetics & Molecular Genetics 4

The prize to the value of £100 is awarded to the student with the best overall performance in Genetics & Molecular Genetics 4.

The prize to the value of £100 is awarded for the best Genetics & Molecular Genetics 4 Project.

Immunology 4

A Class Medal is awarded to the student with the best overall performance in Immunology 4.

The prize to the value of £100 is awarded for the best Immunology 4 Research Project.

Anderson Henry Prize

The prize to the value of £500 will be awarded to most deserving final year student in Plant Science.

Lang Scholarship Prize

The prize to the value of £225 is awarded for the best Plant Science 4 Project.

Dobbie Smith Prize

The prize to the value of £250 is awarded to the student with the best overall performance in Plant Science 4 Field Course.

Ashworth Prize

A prize of £300 and a Class Medal will be awarded to the student in their third or fourth year of study with the best overall performance in Zoology 4.

A prize of £300 will be awarded to the student in their fourth year of study with the best overall performance in Zoology 4.

Royal Society of Biology Award

An award will be given to the student with the most distinguished performance.