VA Benefits and Other Funding

Please see below for information regarding VA Benefits and other sources of US Funding.


US Veterans Affairs Benefits

The US Department of Veterans Affairs offers education benefits to qualifying students.

Latest News

Please note that the US Department of Veteran Affairs have advised that current Program Approval processing times are currently taking in the region of 60 days.

We cannot guarantee that your chosen programme of study will be approved and should your request be denied, you will be responsible for payment of tuition fees.

Institutional Eligibility for Veterans Affairs Benefits

The University of Edinburgh is approved to process Veterans Affairs Benefits subject to Program Approval - please note that Program Approval is not automatic.

Individual Eligibility for Veterans Affairs Benefits

The University of Edinburgh is unable to process Yellow Ribbon Benefits

Students may be eligible for Veterans Affairs benefits, if they are a:

  • Veteran, Veteran's dependent
  • Surviving spouse, child or parent of a deceased Veteran
  • Uniformed service member
  • Present or former reservist or National Guard member

The University is not involved in determining individual eligibility - applicants/students should contact the US Department of Veterans Affairs directly for confirmation of their eligibility for benefits made under programmes such as the Post 9/11 GI Bill or the Montgomery GI Bill.

Programme Eligibility for Veterans Affairs Benefits

  • Online learning programmes cannot be approved for students at foreign schools
  • Any programme with an element of study away or placement are also not eligible

This is because our accreditation is approved based on those studying on campus only, it does not recognise independent, online courses or practical training with an off campus element. Your study is only approved to take place at the University of Edinburgh and not as part of any partners or collaborators. 

As well as being personally eligible to claim US Veterans Affairs Benefits, students must have their intended programme of study approved. The University can seek approval, but this can only be done when the student concerned has received an offer of admission. Please get in touch with the University’s Financial Aid Office quoting your University applicant number, your consent for the University of Edinburgh to seek programme approval and certify your enrollment details to the VA office, using academic and financial records held by the University.  This involves passing personal details such as name, address and social security number as well as programme of study details together with details of tuition fees charged.  We will also require  details of the type of benefit you intend to use i.e Chapter 33 or 35 and a copy of your Certificate of Eligibility to request program approval.

Program Approval

Please refer to the attached list where you can check to see if your chosen programme of study has already received Program Approval:


Current processing times are approximately 60 days and we cannot guarantee that a Program Approval request will be approved, therefore, if it is your intention to fund your tuition fees/living costs from your Veteran Affair Benefits we would strongly recommend that you have alternative funding in place e.g US Federal Loans or personal funding.

Certification of Enrollment

Providing the programme of study has been approved and the offer of admission has been accepted the University can provide certification of enrollment of the student to the Department of Veterans Affairs. This should then trigger the release of payments at the appropriate time, according to the dates of the period of study. 

Enrollment is normally certified for one academic year at a time.  Continuing students who wish to continue claiming benefits should request renewed certification for each year of study by emailing the University’s Financial Aid Office.

Changes in Enrollment

Please note that once you are a recipient of Veteran Affairs benefits, you must promptly notify the University and the VA Office if there is any change in your enrollment status. The VA Office is not liable to pay if any of the following are applicable:

  • You did not attend
  • You withdraw
  • You interrupt from your studies
  • You are terminated
  • A change in your active duty

You are responsible for these debts caused by these changes, therefore it is imperative that you report any change(s) with immediate effect. 

It is also important that you get in touch should you change your programme of study or there are any changes in your study mode i.e. full-time to part-time as these must also be reported as soon as possible.

Tuition Fee Payments

The US Department of Veterans Affairs does not allow the University of Edinburgh to invoice them directly for tuition fees relating to Chapter 33 benefits. Instead tuition fees are invoiced to the student and any payments received from the US Department of Veterans Affairs are converted to British Pounds at the prevailing exchange rate before being credited to the student’s tuition fee account to reduce the outstanding balance. There is a maximum dollar amount payable by the Department of Veterans Affairs for tuition fees in an academic year at a foreign school such as the 2023-2024.  Please refer separately to the limits for 2022-2023 limit

As well as the tuition fee cap exchange rate, differentials may result in the amount paid by the Department of Veterans Affairs not fully covering the tuition fee charged by the university. The dollar amount payable is calculated by the US Department of Veterans Affairs using a theoretical exchange rate as at 1st July each year whereas the dollar payments released are converted using an actual exchange rate at the time the payment is received by the university. In all cases where there is a shortfall it is the student’s responsibility to make payment themselves or arrange alternative funding such as Federal Loans (subject to eligibility) or Private Loans. There are different invoicing arrangements for students in receipt of Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Benefits but this type of funding may also result in a shortfall being payable by the student.

For further advice on making tuition fee payments and for information about US loans please refer to the related links below.

Further Information

The US Department of Veterans Affairs

Self-funded students - methods of payment

US Loans at the University of Edinburgh

AmeriCorps National Service Awards

As a Title IV institution the University of Edinburgh is approved to accept AmeriCorps National Service Awards

Students who have completed certain types of national service in the US may be eligible to receive a National Service Award (Segal Education Trust).

To manage your award please use the My AmeriCorps portal

For eligible students, payment of an award is made directly to the University of Edinburgh for tuition fees but the university must first confirm details of the student’s programme of study and enrollment period through the online AmeriCorps system.

Please note that AmeriCorps National Service Awards are released in two equal instalments, one at the start of the relevant enrollment period and one at the mid-point, unless the date of authorisation is past the mid-point of the enrollment period.

Please contact our Finance Department: or 0131 651 5151) who will be able to confirm when payments have been applied to your tuition account.

529 Savings Plans

As a Title IV institution the University of Edinburgh is approved to accept funds from 529 Savings Plans.

Bank details for electronic payments can be obtained from the Income Section of Finance Department ( or 0131 651 5151).

Armed Forces Student Loan Benefits

Please find further details on the following webpage: Armed Forces student loan benefits

Global Education Management Services

A new student resources page that has a scholarship search and list State Resident based programs.

Please find further details on the following webpage: Global Education Management Services