Veterinary Medicine scholarships and prizes

Awards within Veterinary Medicine


Richard Taylor Memorial Travel Scholarship

Following the death of Richard Taylor in 1998, a scholarship has been set up in his memory. This prize is awarded on an annually.

Fourth year students are invited to outline the project they would undertake were they to win the £500 travel scholarship.


Alistair P.B. McLaren Bursary

A bursary is awarded at the end of third year of the Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery (BVMS) course, for the purchase of text books and instruments.

Preference will be given to students who are natives of that part of the County of Essex of the east of a line joining the estuaries of the Stour and the Colne including the town of Colchester.

Preference will also be given to student who are natives of the city of Edinburgh and are of Scottish descent.

Otherwise, preference will be given to any Scottish student from anywhere in Scotland.

The bursary will be awarded to the student with the highest average in the third year exams. In selecting for this award, account may be taken of a candidate’s need for financial assistance.

If no candidate is considered to be of sufficient merit, the bursary will not be awarded.


James T Baxter Memorial Prize

A prize is awarded to the final-year BVMS student who, in the opinion of the appropriate Final Profession Examination Board, has shown the greatest aptitude in the practical aspects of veterinary medicine.

The assessment shall be based on the performance during the degree examination in veterinary medicine and throughout the final year of study.

William Dick Prize

A prize is awarded annually to the most distinguished Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery in the year of the award.

No award shall be made if the standard is inadequate.

Norman Dobson Prize

A prize is awarded annually at the end of third year of the BVMS course, to the best or most deserving student in combined Pathology courses in second and third year.

Gemmel Prize

A prize is awarded to the best first year student with the highest overall average in the First Year Professional Examinations.

Willie Gregor Prize

Willie Gregor, a former clinician at the Dick Vet, set up this prize before he died.

It is awarded to a final year student for outstanding contribution to the Athletic Club.

Charles Jones Prize

Professor Charles Jones, Head of English Language, offers a prize which consists of a book entitled ‘The Disease of Sheep’ and a cheque for £75.

The prize is awarded annually to the best final year student in Sheep Medicine.

Lodsdon Prize

A prize is awarded to the most distinguished intercalated students of the year.

Lothian Prize

A prize is awarded to the best student in the fifth year of course Final Professional Examination.

McCaughey Prize

A prize is awarded on an annual basis to the most deserving student in the final year of the courses for the degree of Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery for the purchase of books or instruments.

Stewart MacDougall Prize

A prize is awarded annually at the end of Second Year BVMS degree course to the student with the highest overall average in their exams.

Walter Buchanan Milburn Prize

A prize is awarded annually to the student in the Animal Management component of the Second Professional Examination of the BVMS degree course.

The prize winner is selected by the Board of Examiners in Animal Husbandry.

Moredun Foundation Book Prize

A prize is awarded annually to the student who has performed best during his or her practical work with the Large Animal Practice Teaching Unit, as adjudged by the Unit.

The prize will consist of an information pack on the Moredun Foundation along with a book entitled ‘Diseases of Sheep’.

William Nairn Prize

A prize is awarded annually for the best fourth year student on the BVMS course and is awarded on the recommendation of the Heads of the Department of Veterinary Clinical Studies and Preclinical Veterinary Sciences.

William Mawlum Ogilvy Medal and Prize

A prize is awarded annually to the student in Animal Husbandry, Second Year BVMS.

The prize winner will be decided by the Board of Examiners in Animal Husbandry.


The Hector Paterson Prize for the Best Student in Rabbit Medicine

The Hector Paterson Prize is awarded to the fourth year student demonstrating excellence in rabbit medicine and care