Colt Foundation Fellowships

The Foundation awards Fellowships each year to persons who are qualified in science or medicine who are carrying out research within the area of occupational and environmental health at a UK university.


The Fellowship is normally for three years and the research is expected to lead to a PhD degree. The stipend rate for 2019-2020 was £15.009 and rises with UK inflation for the following two years. Payments will include UK/EU fees and overseas candidates applying would be expected to meet the difference in UK/EU and International rates.  The grant does not attract any taxation.

In recent years grants have been made in respect of:

  • Characterisation of the effects of intermittent or prolonged exposure to environmentally relevant UV radiation in mammalian cells
  • A molecular approach to understanding the mechanism(s) of silica-induced lung carcinogenesis
  • External magnetic fields and human health: a link to biological enzyme reaction systems
  • Human health, climate change and the bio-energy industry
  • High aspect ratio nanomaterials and the asbestos pathogenicity paradigm
  • Occupational risk factors affecting mental health: developing simple, theory-driven preventative strategies to target flashbacks associated with post traumatic stress in the workplace
  • Dispersion and characterisation of bioaerosols emitted from industrial composting sitests
  • The dissemination and implementation processes of NICE workplace guidance within NHS Trusts
  • Economic evaluation of reducing occupational and environmental health hazards arising from industrial production
  • Extertional heat illness: genetic risk factors and muscle performance
  • Long-term cardiovascular risk from low levels of ionising radiation: endothelial damage mechanisms


Applications should be submitted by prospective students, and not by their supervisors, although it is expected that the supervisor(s) will have had input to ensure that the project can lead to a successful PhD. We do not have an application form, but we ask that applications include:

  • An outline of the proposed research, including the scientific questions that it will address, the data that will be collected, and how they will be analysed to answer the study questions.
  • The applicant’s CV.
  • A detailed letter of support from the proposed supervisor.
  • Contact details of two referees.

After initial short-listing, a subset of applicants is invited to interview in London, on the basis of which, the final selection is made. Information about deadlines for submission of applications and dates of interviews can be found in our Diary of events and deadlines.

Applications should be submitted to the Foundation’s Director, Mrs Tash Heydon by email or by post.

Colt Foundation

Contact details