Canadian Tax Forms

Scholarships and Student Funding Services will complete TL11A Canadian tax forms for students at the University of Edinburgh.

To request completion of a TL11A form, please fill in the form using the button below, quoting the following details:

  • Your University student number (UUN)
  • The tax year(s) for which the form is required
  • How you wish the completed form to be returned

Request Form

Please note the following:

1) Tuition fees charged for an academic year typically relate to two different tax years (calendar years) and will be apportioned over the two years.

2) Completed Canadian fax forms can only be released to a third party, such as a parent or financial adviser, with the express consent of the student concerned. In all other cases the form will be released directly to the student.

3) Tuition fees are quoted in Pound Sterling (£/GBP).