Civil Engineering prizes

Eight prizes are available.


Arup Fire Prize

Awarded to the best performing fire student as determined by the Board of Examiners.

Scottish Geotechnical Group Pize

Awarded to the best performing graduating student in Geotechnical Engineering as determined by the Board of Examiners.

William Dugeon Prize

Awarded to the best performing students as determined by the Board of Examiners.

Charles Innes Prize in Civil Engineering and Building Science

A prize awarded annually to the foremost student in the Honours course, based upon the results of class work and degree examinations in the final year.

The award may be withheld if there is no suitable candidate, or it may be divided equally in the event of a tie.

Institution of Civil Engineers Prize

A prize awarded annually to an undergraduate who is adjudged the best performance in third and Honours years of the Civil Engineering degree course.

Galliford Try Prize

A prize awarded annually for the most deserving MEng thesis as determined by the Board of Examiners.

Institution of Structural Engineers Prize

A prize awarded annually to a student in his or her last two years of study who is the most deserving in Structural Design.

M E B Lindsay Prize

A prize awarded annually to the student who has consistently shown the most aptitude for practical work throughout the Honours Course in the Department of Civil Engineering and Building Science.

The award may be withheld if there is no suitable candidate, or it may be divided equally in the event of a tie.

Reid and Thomson Bursary

A bursary awarded annually to the foremost students in the first year of the course.