FAQ's for New and Continuing Students

Frequently asked questions regarding US Loans.

1. How are my tuition fees paid?

A portion of tuition fees will be retained from each disbursement, depending on the number of disbursements. For a student with three loan disbursements, one third of your tuition fees will be retained from each disbursement. For a student with two loan disbursements, one half of your tuition fees will be retained from each disbursement.

Additional programme costs will be retained from the first disbursement and any tuition fee deposits paid in advance will be offset against the fees due from the first disbursement. No funds will be disbursed prior to the commencement of the program of study.

Make sure to confirm how you are paying your tuition fees with the Finance Department using the following form: Register How to Pay your Fees


2. What if there is a surplus/deficit after my tuition fees have been paid?

If after funds have been retained for tuition fee purposes there is a surplus amount, this will be paid to you directly. If there is a deficit, the remainder of the portion of tuition fees due must be paid by other means immediately after each loan disbursement. Any queries about alternative payment methods should be addressed to the Finance Helpline.

*** Please note, if you are expecting to receive any surplus funds, the timings of this can range from early morning until late afternoon depending on the banking institution. If you have not received any surplus funds within 24 hours of your disbursement date as noted on your Award Letter, please do get in touch ***


3. Are funds retained for accommodation purposes?

No, this is for you to pay directly to your accommodation provider.


4. Do I need to open up a UK bank account?

We strongly recommend that you open a traditional UK Bank Account. If using a popular digital bank accounts, please note, there may be issues with your disbursement. A number of high street banks allow you to open an account while still in an overseas country. 

Further details about how to sign up for electronic transfer will be emailed to you following the origination of the US Federal loan.

Open a UK bank account

Guide to international student bank accounts in the UK


5. Can I increase/decrease/cancel my loan?

You will be contacted around 30 days prior to each disbursement date and will have the opportunity to decrease or cancel the scheduled disbursement up to seven days prior to the disbursement date. If you have not taken the maximum available, you can increase your loans at any time up to 6 weeks before the end of the loan period. If you wish to decease your loans and the funds have already been released, you may incur charges.

Please submit the following form if you wish to increase/decrease/cancel your loan: Increase/Decrease/Cancellation Request Form 


6. Why is my Cost Attendance (COA) borrowing amount different to the previous academic year?

The maximum borrowing amount on your COA may vary each academic year, due to a change in theoretical exchange rate, a change in programme number of weeks and visa and health immigration surcharge cost being included for New students. 


7. What if I take an interruption during my studies?

Students should notify the Scholarships and Financial Support team to discuss how their interruption will affect their eligibility for Federal Aid. No funding can be awarded for or during a period of interruption and depending on the length of the interruption, existing loans may go into repayment during the period of interruption.

PhD students who submit their thesis and become ‘Interrupted – thesis submitted’ are not eligible to receive loans during this period.


8. Why have I been moved to a future disbursement date?

There can be a number of reasons you have been moved to a future disbursement date, such as:

  • You have not submitted your bank details/ you have submitted the bank details incorrectly
  • You have not accepted the University's regulations
  • You have not had your attendance confirmed by your school of study


9. What is the matriculation process?

Matriculation is the process by which you officially enroll at the University. In order to receive US Loans, you must be fully matriculated onto your programme of study. This involves:

  • Accepting the University Regulations
  • Confirming attendance with your School
  • Completing international check-in
  • Completing Registration
  • More information is available here


10. What if I plan to undertake a period of study outside Edinburgh (study away)?

For all periods of study out with the University of Edinburgh including work based placements, periods of independent research and writing up you are advised to check your eligibility for Federal Aid with the University's Scholarships and Financial Support team. Please note that this is not an automatic entitlement, even if academic approval has been granted, there are strict criteria to satisfy.

Please submit a Study Abroad form as soon as you are aware of any potential study away periods. 


11. What if I have an adverse credit history? 

If your credit check is declined when the loan is originated you must either appeal the credit check decision based on extenuating circumstances or find an endorser for the loan. 

You must also complete PLUS Credit Counselling. PLUS Credit Counselling can be completed voluntarily at any time. If PLUS Credit Counselling is completed voluntarily and you are determined to have an adverse credit history by the US Department of Education within 30 days of PLUS Credit Counselling completion, your PLUS Credit Counselling requirement will be considered to be fulfilled.

PLUS Credit Counselling


12. Is my attendance automatically confirmed with the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) for Loan Deferment?

If your loan servicer is registered with NSLDS, the University automatically confirms your attendance status in NSLDS every two months. If you require an additional In-School Deferment Form to be completed by the University, please contact us.


13. What is the process of loan repayment?

You will be assigned a loan servicer by the US Department of Education who will get in touch with you directly. 

To find out what repayment plan options are available, when you must begin making payments and how to do so, please refer to the Federal Student Aid website.


14. Where can I request completion of my 1098T Tax Form

As a foreign institution the University of Edinburgh does not complete the 1098T tax form for students.  However, as an alternative, students are advised to request a Confirmation of Payment Certificate, which may be used for tax purposes, from the Income Section of Finance Department.

For US tax purposes the University of Edinburgh's identification number is 980031779.