Other undergraduate awards

Awards funded from a variety of sources for undergraduates.

Matriculated undergraduates may also qualify for awards from external funds and from endowments held by the University.

Awards from external funds

Endowment awards

Students who fulfil the special criteria for the following awards will be considered automatically each year. The level of award made is dependent on academic performance and funding available.

Successful candidates are informed of their award in May each year. There are no separate application forms

Misses Baxter of Balgavies Bursary Fund

Awarded annually to undergraduates in second or later years who were educated at Dundee High School for at least one year and who are following degree courses that would have fallen within the scope of the previous Faculties of Arts, Law, Medicine or Science.

The level of the award is dependent on academic progress in the previous year.

Davidson Bursary

Awarded annually to undergraduates in second or later years who were educated at North Berwick High School and are following degree courses that would have fallen within the scope of the previous Faculty of Arts. The level of the award is dependent on academic progress in the previous year.

James H Fenton Scholarship

Awarded annually to undergraduates who formerly attended either Lanark Grammar School or Biggar High School, and regardless of study discipline.

The level of the award is dependent on academic progress each year.

Extra-study awards are also available to students who meet the above criteria to contribute to a vacation project in furtherance of an intellectual pursuit.

Gillies-Carmichael Bursary

Awarded annually to undergraduates in second or later years bearing the surname of Carmichael or Gillies, and regardless of study discipline.

The level of the award is dependent on academic progress in the previous year.

Robertson Bursary Fund

Awarded annually to undergraduates in second or later years who are natives of Lewis, born of Lewis parents, and who completed their secondary education at the Nicolson Institute, Stornoway. The award is regardless of study discipline.

The level of the award is dependent on academic progress in the previous year.