Music scholarships and prizes

A number of prizes are available for current Music students.

Scholarships/prizes for current undergraduate and postgraduate students and/or graduates of music

Anderson Organ Prize

A scholarship, to the value of £400, is awarded to a full-time undergraduate or postgraduate student in the Department of Music. Competition by recital.


Clutterbuck Travel Scholarship

One or more scholarships, to the value of between £100-£1,000, are awarded to graduates of the Department of Music or undergraduates who have passed the first BMus exam.

Awards to graduates will be made for the purpose of further musical study or research preferably but not necessarily outwith Scotland.

Awards to undergraduates will be made for the purpose of musical study outwith Edinburgh or travel to enlarge experience of music and the arts.


Scholarships and prizes for matriculated students

Hollins Organ Prize

A scholarship, to the value of £200, is awarded to a matriculated student in the Department of Music.

Preference will be given to an organist preparing for the diplomas of Associateship and Fellowship of the Royal College of Organists.


James Smart Memorial Organ Scholarship

A scholarship, to the value of £500, is awarded every four years on entrance to a promising organist with all-round ability.


John Robert Mackay Piano Scholarship

A scholarship, to the value of £500, is awarded every four years to a pianist on entrance for all-round excellence.


Postgraduate scholarships

Bucher/Fraser Scholarship

An award, to the value of between £1,000-£5,000, is made for study of instrumental performance, composition or research, outside the UK only. Candidates must be an Edinburgh University graduate.


Helen Doig Scholarship

A postgraduate scholarship, to the value of approximately £400, is awarded for the purpose of promoting the study of Scottish music.

This award is tenable for one year with possible renewal within the limit of tenure of three years.

The holder will be required to be a matriculated student in the Department of Music or an Associate Member of the Department of Music and to pursue studies or research relevant to Scottish music under such direction as the subject area shall determine.

Such studies may be carried out within the School of Scottish Studies of the University of Edinburgh. Except with the written permission of the Head, the holder will be expected to reside in Edinburgh during University terms.


Michael Tilmouth Research Scholarship

An award, to the value of £250, is made for one year with the possibility of extension, subject to satisfactory progress, up to a maximum of three years.