Social and Political Studies scholarships and prizes

Eight prizes are available.


Marjorie A Brown Memorial Prize

A prize is split between the best student in the MSW in Social Work course over two years and the best student in the BSc in Social Work course over two years.

James Carruthers Memorial Prize

Two prizes are awarded annually for the best performance in the Final Honours examination by a Single or Joint Honours student in Social Policy and for the best Honours Dissertation in Social Policy.

John Craigie Cunningham Prize

A prize is awarded annually to the best undergraduate student in the First year course in Social Policy.

The Prize is awarded on the recommendation of the Board of Examiners.

Simon Gray Prizes

Two prizes are awarded annually for the most distinguished work in Politics 1 and Politics 2.

The prizes are open to matriculated students of the University of not more than three years' standing. The prize money may be divided to provide more prizes.

D P Heatley Prize in Politics

A prize is awarded annually to the most distinguished student in the Honours classes in Politics.

The prize is awarded on the recommendation of the Board of Examiners.

Kenneth Little Prize

A prize is awarded annually to the most outstanding student in Social Anthropology 1.

James Littlejohn Prize

A prize is awarded annually for the most outstanding undergraduate dissertation in Social Anthropology.

Mary Theresa Rankin Prize

A prize is awarded in the Honours Class of Political Economy.