Charitable trusts

Many awards only offer small amounts of money rather than full financial support.


There are hundreds of charities, foundations and trusts that can offer some funding to assist while you are at university. Types of funding include scholarships, bursaries, grants and studentships.

Eligibility guidelines

So that you do not waste your time, or the time of the charity or trust concerned, it is advisable to only apply to a particular fund if you clearly meet the eligibility criteria.

For some there will be conditions on place of birth or current home location.

Others will be dependent on the subject area which you will be studying at university.

While others will only offer assistance to a certain group which might be determined by:

  • age
  • family situation
  • gender
  • social circumstances
  • religious affiliation
  • medical condition

Types of trusts

Scottish trusts

A list of charitable trusts to assist Scottish students.

National trusts

UK organisations and trusts which may be useful to contact for part funding.

Trust funding for female students

These charitable trusts are open to female students only.

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