The Hector Paterson Prize for the Best Student in Rabbit Medicine

The Hector Paterson Prize is awarded to the fourth year student demonstrating excellence in rabbit medicine and care

This prize is in memory of Hector Paterson, a much-loved friend who had a big personality, an endearing character and a caring nature. He deserved to leave a mark on the world. Hector also happened to be a rabbit. Hector’s prize is designed to encourage students to take an interest in rabbit medicine and the care of these fascinating yet often overlooked animals.


Hector Patterson


The winner of the Hector Paterson Prize will receive:

Textbook: BSAVA Rabbit Medicine

Textbook: BSAVA Rabbit Imaging and Surgery

Textbook: Carpenter's Exotic Animal Formulary

Book token £100

Certificate of recognition

The prizes are generously provided by Lindsay Paterson.



The winner is awarded in their 4th Year based on their collective highest score in:

•            In-course Assessment - MCQs

•            Main Exam - Rabbit MCQs and SAQs

•            Rabbit OSPRE result


The winner will receive their prize once they reach Final Year during the Prize Giving Ceremony in July.



The winner is awarded based on their collective highest score in:

•            In-course Assessment - MCQs

•            Main Exam - Rabbit MCQs and SAQs

•            Rabbit OSPRE result


in 4th year.



Students don’t need to apply – this prize is awarded in recognition of their achievement and work during their 4th year.



Late June following completion and marking of relevant assessments