Kennedy Scholarships

These awards are for postgraduate study or research at Harvard University or the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Kennedy Scholarships tenable in 2020-2021 are offered by the Trustees of the Kennedy Memorial Trust for postgraduate study or research in the USA at Harvard University or the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Normally six to eight Scholarships are awarded which cover full fees and health insurance, and provide a means-tested tax-free stipend of up to $27,250. Scholars are expected to spend part of their summer vacation in the United States and may apply for a travel grant of $2,500. A generous contribution will be made towards the cost of a return transatlantic flight.


At the time of application, candidates must:

  • be British citizens at the time of application
  • be ordinarily resident in the UK
  • be wholly or mainly educated in the UK
  • have graduated before taking up their scholarship, typically with a First Class degree


Applications are to be made online at:

The closing date for applications is 23rd October 2019.

In addition to completing an online form, applicants will be asked to submit an essay (which MUST NOT exceed 1,000 words) giving an account of their:

  • academic pursuits
  • general activities
  • intellectual interests
  • reasons for wishing to study in the United States
  • choice of course and institution
  • plans for the future

Candidates must, in the same application season as applying for a Kennedy Scholarship, make a separate and independent application for admission direct to their chose programme at Harvard University and/or Massachusetts Institute of Technology.