Archaeology scholarships and prizes

Three awards are available to Archeology students.

The Abercromby Fund

The award is open to undergraduate and postgraduate students at the University of Edinburgh who are registered for degrees in Archaeology to support travel related to their degree studies in Archaeology.


In the case of postgraduates, the Fund may be used for travel for the purposes of excavation or collecting field data or visiting museums, consulting specialists or colleagues in other institutions, or attendance at conferences relevant to the field of research. Awards will not normally be made to students beyond their third year of study.


In the case of undergraduates, one principal use of the Fund is to contribute towards the cost of travel in preparation of the dissertation, normally in the vacation between third and fourth year. Where vacation fieldwork and preparation of a dissertation involve travel to the same or nearby destinations, application to the Fund may be admissible. The Abercromby Fund has not hitherto been used primarily to fund students attendance on excavations.

Terms of the Fund

The fund contributes to the cost of travel. Please note that subsistence and accommodation are not strictly included in terms of the Fund. Each student may make three applications though out of equity the number and size of any previous awards will be taken into account. Students seeking support for work related to their undergraduate dissertations should discuss their applications with their dissertation supervisors. For any other application, students should consult a member of academic staff.

R N Wardrop Prize in Archaeology

A prize, to the value of about £150 to be used for the purchase of books, is awarded annually by the Board of Examiners in Archaeology to the student, or students, achieving the best overall performance in Archaeology 1.