Research Scholarships

A number of highly competitive research scholarships are available each year to new postgraduate research students.

These include studentships provided by the School; by various charities; project studentships associated with research grants provided by various funding agencies; grants from the School of Biological Sciences; and doctoral training funds provided by BBSRC (through the EASTBIO Doctoral Training Partnership), EPSRC, MRC, NERC, and Wellcome Trust.

Note that Research Council studentships are restricted to UK and resident European students but that we have a limited number of awards for the most talented overseas applicants

Research Councils UK


Most are full scholarships, paying tuition fees, some additional programme costs, and a stipend to cover living expenses. A small number are partial scholarships, paying tuition fees and additional programme costs and/or a contribution towards living expenses.


Applicants looking for funding support should aim to apply, with references submitted, by our advertised deadlines.


For more information contact: