Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners Scholarship

Two undergraduate scholarships are available for eligible students from the Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture. One scholarship will be awarded to a current Year 1 student, and one to a current Year 2 student.


Two undergraduate scholarships of £5,000 are available for an eligible BA/MA (Hons) Architecture student for the 2023-2024 academic year. The scholarship will be tenable for one year.


Students must be studying full-time and currently be in year 1 or year 2 of the BA or MA (Hons) Architecture degree programme, with a preference for students from the UK.


Students must demonstrate academic merit, with weight being given to financial circumstances.


Please note that all material will be reviewed and assessed digitally and as part of the shortlisting process a representative from Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners will be reviewing submitted documents.  Your submitted document will only be held by the University for one calendar year.

Section 1

Select one piece of work from your studies so far that demonstrates distinctive spatial and material qualities of an architectural proposal. Re-present this as an A4 portrait portfolio that includes a succinct commentary on this selection (maximum 250 words) stating why have you selected this; what distinctive architectural qualities does it propose; What context does it offer to enhance, accentuate or improve and how does it do this? What are its consequences?

Maximum length for Section 1 is 5 x A4 portrait pages.

Section 2 

Summarise and illustrate a problem or question arising from making architecture in contemporary culture and society which you would like to pursue in your ongoing studies (no more than 250 words).

Section 3

Outline what difference the RSH+P scholarship would make to your ongoing studies, and how you would envisage using the award (no more than 250 words).


Applications are now closed as the 8th May 2024 deadline has passed.

Further information

Please contact Laura Harty, BA/MA (Hons) Architecture Programme Director, if you require any further information.


All applicants will be notified of the outcome by the end of end of June 2024.

Please note that the successful candidates will be listed in the annual BA/MA (Hons) programme catalogue, required to submit a 5 minute recorded, illustrated presentation, and associated 6 page A4 PDF pamphlet, on the impact of the scholarship on their studies to the email address above, by 30 September 2024.