EPCC online Dissertation Scholarship

The EPCC online Dissertation Scholarships aim to support the dissertation stage of the online MSc in HPC and HPC with Data Science programmes. We hope receiving the help to cover the course fees will reduce the financial burden and help the students to fully engage with their dissertation projects.

We are offering up to 2 full (4 half or a combination of full and half) course fees to cover the dissertation course – for the academic year 2025/2026 the full course fees are £6,370. These awards will be tenable for 1 academic year and will be automatically deducted from your tuition fees. 

These scholarships are offered to the current students on online MSc programmes in High Performance Computing and High-Performance Computing with Data Science

The scholarships will be awarded to the students starting their dissertation projects in September 2025.

The scholarships will be awarded on the basis of financial need and academic merit to the students progressing to the dissertation stage on the online MSc in HPC or MSc in HPC with Data Science. 

Only students ready to undertake their dissertation project are eligible to apply (i.e. they must be currently taking or have already completed the Project Preparation course and meeting the overall progression criteria). Applicants are expected to briefly describe their research problem and explain how receiving this contribution award would fit into their overall funding situation. 

Eligible applicants should complete an online scholarship application.

In order to gain access to the scholarship application system applicants must have applied for admission to the University of Edinburgh.  Please note that, following the submission of an application for admission, it can take up to five working days for all system checks to be completed and for access to be granted.

The online scholarship application form is located in EUCLID and can be accessed via MyEd our web based information portal at https://www.myed.ed.ac.uk

When logging in to MyEd, you will need your University User Name and password. If you require assistance, please go to http://www.ed.ac.uk/student-systems/support-guidance

Further guidance on applying for scholarships as a registered student can be found here: Applying for a scholarship through MyEd

The scholarship deadline is 23:59 GMT on Monday 30th June 2025.


Frequently Asked Questions:

Scholarships System FAQs for Applicants (511.17 KB PDF)

All applicants can expect to be notified of the outcome by mid-August 2025.

Jemma Auns  j.auns@epcc.ed.ac.uk – Postgraduate Programme Manager

Weronika Filinger – w.filinger@epcc.ed.ac.uk – Programme Director