Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council

The Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) covers a wide range of disciplines.



Disciplines covered by the BBSRC include:

  • agriculture and food sciences
  • animal sciences
  • biochemistry and cell biology
  • biomolecular sciences
  • engineering and biological systems
  • genes and developmental biology
  • plant and microbial sciences

The University of Edinburgh is lead partner in the BBSRC EASTBIO Doctoral Training Partnership.  To find out more about EASTBIO and how to apply for a studentship you can visit the website EASTBIO


Prospective students should usually have a first or upper second-class Honours degree. The BBSRC will also consider exceptional applicants with a second-class Honours degree who have progressed to obtain excellent grades in a Master's degree.

BBSRC's guide to student eligibility for funding can be found in the BBSCR Grants Guide


Our application deadline is usually in December preceding the start year of the PhD.

Further information on BBSRC Doctoral Training Grants, and the departments which currently hold funding for awards to students can be found on the BBSRC website.