Law scholarships and prizes

Both undergraduate and postgraduate awards are available.

Undergraduate awards

Anthony Bradley Prize

A prize is awarded to the student with the highest overall mark in the Public Law and Individual Rights (Ordinary) course.

Berriedale Keith Essay Prizes

A prize is jointly awarded to the students with the highest essay mark in The Changing Constitution and the Fundamental Issues in Comparative Constitutional Law courses.

CCH Editions Ltd Prizes

Two prizes are awarded annually. One prize is awarded for attainment in undergraduate taxation. This student will receive a series of books on Taxation.

A second prize is awarded to the top student in the Finance, Taxation and Investment course (Diploma in Legal Practice). The prize is a complete set of Tax Law casebooks and an inscribed certificate.

This prize is sponsored by CCH Editions Limited.

Dickson Minto Prize

A prize is awarded for the highest aggregated mark for the Commercial Law (Ordinary) and Business Entities (Ordinary) courses.

Diploma Prize

One or two prizes are awarded for the best overall performance by a Diploma graduate.

Family Law Association Prizes

Two prizes are awarded to the students with the highest mark for the Family Law (Ordinary) and Family Law (Honours) courses.

Forensic Essay Prize

A prize is awarded for the highest mark in the essay for the Civil Law Ordinary course.

Gilchrist Prize

A prize is awarded to the student with the best performance in the Honours course International Law.

Green Prizes

Three prizes are awarded to:

  • the student with the best performance in the Ordinary courses Criminal Law and Evidence.
  • the student with the best overall Graduate LLB performance.
  • the student with the best overall second year performance.

Herbert Smith Prize

A prize is awarded to the student with the best overall second year performance preceding an exchange year.

James Craig Howie Memorial Prize

Two prizes are awarded to the students who obtain the highest placing in:

  • Scottish Legal System, Critical Legal Thinking, Contract and Unjustified Enrichment and Public Law of the UK and Scotland.
  • Property Law Ordinary, Commercial Law Ordinary, Delict and Revenue Law.

Joelle Godard Prize

A prize is awarded to the student with the best overall performance graduating with the joint honours Law and French degree.

John Hastie Law Scholarship

Two scholarships are awarded to the students who in the opinion of the School of Law are the most and second most distinguished graduates of the academic year of award, taking into account the degree exams which they have passed in:

  • Scottish Legal System, Delict and Contract and Unjustified Enrichment (Ordinary level).
  • Property Law and Family Law (Ordinary level).
  • Any two of Public Law of the UK and Scotland, Commercial Law, Evidence and Criminal Law (Ordinary level).

The degree exams should have been taken in consecutive years. A condition of the Scholarship is that students have to provide a written undertaking that they will qualify as a solicitor in Scotland.

Law Society of Scotland Prizes

Two prizes are awarded annually to the top student in the Wills, Trusts and Executries course and the top student in Civil Court Practice course.

Both courses form part of the curriculum for the Diploma in Legal Practice.

Lord President Cooper Memorial Prize

A prize is awarded to an Honours student of outstanding distinction on completion of his or her Law degree.

The prize winner also receives an engraved medal awarded at the July Graduation ceremony.

Margaret Balfour Keith Prize

A prize is awarded to the most distinguished student in the Public Law of the UK and Scotland course.

McClintock Prize

A prize is awarded to the student with the best performance in Criminology (Honours), Gender and Justice (Honours) or Punishment and Society (Honours).

MacLagan Prizes

Two prizes are awarded to the students with the best overall performance in the Contemporary Issues in Medical Jurisprudence and Fundamental Issues in Medical Jurisprudence Honours courses.

Miller Prizes

Two prizes are awarded to the highest placed student in the Commercial Law (Ordinary) and Revenue Law (Ordinary) courses.

Mooting Society Prizes

The following prizes are awarded annually:

  • The Hastie Stable Best Oralist Prize is awarded for the most outstanding performance of a legal argument.
  • The Sheriff TP Macdonald QC Memorial Prize and Lexis Nexis Mooting Trophy are awarded to the two winners of the Law School Senior Mooting Competition.
  • The Pinsent Masons Prize is awarded to the two winners of the Law School Junior Mooting Competition.

Muirhead Prize

A prize is awarded to the student who obtains first place in the Civil Law Ordinary course.

Munkman Prize

A prize is awarded to the best student in the Ordinary course of International Law.

Oxford University Press Law Prize

A prize is awarded to the student with the top mark in the Undergraduate Dissertation.

Philip Barry Prize

A prize is awarded to the best student in the Introduction to Criminology (Ordinary) course.

Ruth Adler Prize

A prize is awarded to the best student in the Critical Legal Thinking (Ordinary) course.

Scots Law Society Prize

A prize is awarded annually to the student who has in the year of award been recommended for the degree of LLB with Honours, and who in the opinion of the Professor of Scots Law is the most distinguished student to have been examined in two of the following Honours courses:

  • Family Law
  • Contract
  • Delict
  • Criminal Law
  • Property Law

Slaughter and May Prize

A prize is awarded to the student with the highest overall mark in the Business Entities course.

SSC Society Prize in Scots Law

A prize, to the value of £100, is awarded annually to the student taking first place in the class of Evidence. This prize is funded by the Solicitors in the Supreme Courts of Scotland (SSC) Library.

Thow Scholarships

Three scholarships are awarded to the most distinguished students in the following Ordinary courses:

  • Scottish Legal System
  • Contract and Unjustified Enrichment
  • Property Law

Tods Murray Prize

A prize is awarded on the behalf of Tods Murray WS Solicitors. The prize is awarded for the best performance in the ordinary courses in Commercial Law and Property Law.

The award is to the value of £1,000 as well as the opportunity of a summer placement at Tods Murray WS Solicitors, plus an interview for a traineeship.

Tods Murray LLP website

Postgraduate Scholarships

Harry Dalgety Scholarship

A scholarship, to the value of £1,000 maximum, is awarded to a student who is completing his or her degree course and who undertakes to proceed to postgraduate research or advanced study approved by the School of Law.

The award is made for one year but may be renewed for a further year.

The application deadline is the end of July.

Application forms are available in the Undergraduate Law Office.

Lorimer Scholarship in International Law

A scholarship, to the value of £500, is awarded to students who within the two years immediately before the award is made have successfully completed an examination in one of the following subjects for any degree in the University:

  • International Law
  • International Organisations Law and Practice
  • International Economic Law and Organisations
  • International Economic Organisations
  • E.C. Substantive Law
  • European Institutions
  • International Private Law Preference will be given to candidates for a degree in Law. The application deadline is the end of July. Application forms are available in the Undergraduate Law Office  

Vans Dunlop Scholarship

A scholarship, to the value of £1,000 maximum, is awarded to a student who has passed within three years immediately prior to the date of the award the last exams necessary for graduation in Law.

The holder must pursue a course of advanced study in law approved by the School during his or her tenure, and must not undertake any other employment or course of study except with the consent of the School.

The application deadline is the end of July.

Application forms are available from the Law School reception.