4 year PhD Programme in Translational Neuroscience

Edinburgh Neuroscience is delighted to host the Wellcome funded 4 year PhD programme in Translational Neuroscience.

Our vision is to equip a cohort of non-clinical neuroscientists with both the expertise in rigorous, cross-disciplinary, cutting-edge neuroscience and a deep understanding of clinical brain disorders, across the lifespan, required to increase success in translation from fundamental to clinical science.

Lack of success in translation, which inhibits the development of effective biomarkers and novel treatments, arises from inadequate consideration of issues such as complex causality, the variability of human disease manifestations, the effects of development and ageing, and the practicalities of clinical trials.

Our programme addresses the lack of opportunity for non-clinical neuroscientists to gain expertise in the complex challenges of clinical research by meeting and interacting with patients and their representatives, and covering the key methodologies required to close translational gaps, including disease modelling, biomarker discovery, experimental and clinical trial design.

We provide mentoring, mental health, careers advice and other support for students; strong ties to external agencies to prepare them for a wide variety of careers; and a wide array of scientific and broader training opportunities for students, early career and established supervisors and mentors.


Full tuition fees, plus a stipend which starts at £19,919 for all students.  Research, training, travel costs are also available, as is transition funding at the end of the PhD.

Applications for 2023 entry are now closed. Application for 2024 entry will be advertised in the autumn of 2023.


Dr Marja Main: edinburgh.neuroscience@ed.ac.uk

Further Information

 Edinburgh Neuroscience