Up to ten full scholarships are available each year for each of our Centres for Doctoral Training. Up to ten full scholarships are available each year for each of our Centres for Doctoral Training. These are exceptionally popular and successful PhD programmes, building on our research strengths in the School of Informatics. We currently have two recruiting CDTs in Natural Language Progressing (NLP) and Biomedical Artificial Intelligence (BMAI), whose admissions and scholarship allocations are managed by the School of Informatics. Admissions and scholarship allocations for our jointly delivered CDT in Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS) are managed by our partner institution; Heriot Watt University (Edinburgh). For each of the CDTs, there are up to 10 UKRI funded scholarships available, plus a number of School and/or industry funded scholarships, which are available for allocation each year. These can be used to support both Home and Overseas students (although the allocation of UKRI funded scholarships to overseas students is strictly limited). Applicants who apply to these programmes are automatically considered for relevant funding opportunities. To find out more about our current CDTs and learn about the exciting opportunities offered by our new CDTs, as they are announced, visit the following link: Combined MSc & PhD programmes (CDTs) This article was published on 2024-07-29