Learning Opportunity Fund

The University has established a Learning Opportunity Fund to support students impacted by the recent industrial action.

About this fund

This fund supports students to access learning opportunities such as conferences, short courses and online courses. It can also be used towards part-payment of longer or more expensive learning opportunities. Applications will be reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis until the funds are exhausted

When to apply

Applications opened , Monday 25th September at 11am and closed on November 16th 2023 due to the funds being exhausted.


Who is this fund for?

All students at the University of Edinburgh who meet the following criteria are eligible to apply:

  • you are a fully matriculated student on a full or part-time mode of study.
  • you can provide evidence of disruption to your studies due to industrial action.
  • you can submit evidence of the learning opportunity that the fund will be used for (please see below for approved categories).


How much funding can I apply for?

The maximum grant payable per student is £350.


What learning opportunities can I receive funding for?

Examples of learning opportunities that we would fund include:

  • short courses (non-credit bearing and with no formal degree/diploma/certificate qualification)
  • online courses (non-credit bearing and with no formal degree/diploma/certificate qualification)
  • language course
  • conferences
  • continuing professional development course
  • first aid qualification
  • Centre for Open Learning short course
  • music lessons
  • unpaid in-person/virtual internships
  • exams (ACA Accountancy exams only)
  • tutoring 

  • University of Edinburgh Societies and Clubs (where support has not been received through the Participation Grant) 

You can include the cost of travel and accommodation associated with your learning opportunity as long as the total claim does not exceed £350.

You can also apply for support with overseas learning opportunities.


Ineligible opportunities

These include:

  • assistance with tuition fees
  • credit-bearing courses
  • books 
  • claims that are purely for accommodation and travel
  • assistance with rent and subsistence
  • software/computer equipment
  • driving lessons/test
  • paid work-based internships
  • gaming site memberships




The Learning Opportunity Fund is now closed to applications as the fund has been exhausted. This does not affect any applications submitted before closure  which will be reviewed and processed as normal. 



Why was my application rejected?

To ensure the limited funds go to those most in need, we may reject applications if:

  • the funding isn’t for an eligible learning opportunity.
  • you have not provided the appropriate evidence required to process your application.
  • you do not meet the above eligibility criteria as noted above.
  • you have already made a successful claim.



All payments will be made in pounds sterling to your nominated UK bank account. Payment cannot be made to third parties or overseas accounts.

Please ensure you update or add your bank details. (Updating your bank details does not mean you will succeed in your application.)

Student bank details (requires University login)

Applicants who claim support with overseas learning opportunities will be paid in pounds sterling based on prevailing exchange rates.

Overseas bank accounts

We are unable to make payments to overseas bank accounts. You must set up a UK bank account before applying to the fund.

Learn about your options for opening your first student bank account in the UK and banking safety:

Opening a UK bank account


Disputes, appeals and fraudulent applications

We hope that your application process goes as smoothly as possible. If you have any issues with our decisions, we have a dispute and appeals procedure that you can follow. If we discover that your application or any documents you provide us are fraudulent, we will investigate.

Disputes, appeals and fraudulent applications



Scholarships and Financial Support Team