School of Engineering Scholarships for Electronics & Electrical Engineering

Well-qualified students entering Electronics and Electrical Engineering programmes are eligible for scholarships.

School of Engineering Scholarships for Electronics & Electrical Engineering

In conjunction with our partners in industry, the School of Engineering offers Scholarships to students who show excellent potential to become high-achieving professionals within the Electronics and Electrical Engineering sector.  These provide a yearly cash award to the student, for up to 3 years, whilst studying for an Electronics & Electrical Engineering degree, plus opportunities for industrial internships in later years. 


£1500 per year, for years 1, 2 and 3 of your programme.  (Students entering eligible degree programmes in Year 2 will receive the award for only 2 years).


All UK students registered for the Electronics & Electrical Engineering degree programme (BEng or MEng) at University of Edinburgh.

Where funding permits, students studying Electronics & Computer Science may also be considered.

Students who successfully receive independent scholarship awards from either the UKESF, IET or RAEng, will not be eligible to also hold a School of Engineering scholarship

Selection Criteria

Awards are given to students who demonstrate excellent potential to become professionals within the electronics & electrical engineering sector.

Whilst university entry grades are taken into account, other distinguishing criteria will also be used where available.

How to apply

All eligible students will be automatically considered for a scholarship in the first semester of their arrival into the Electronics & Electrical Engineering degree programme.   This includes students who directly enter into 2nd year, and also students transferring to eligible programmes at the end of their 1st year of study.

External Scholarship opportunities:

In addition to our internal scholarship scheme, many of our students are successful in applying for external scholarship opportunities, including:

UK Electronics Skills Foundation (UKESF)

Institution of Engineering Technology (IET) 

Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng)

Amazon Future Engineer Bursary - Royal Academy of Engineering (

Dialog Award for Female Undergraduates - UKESF