Degree Programme Specification

Degree programme specification guidance and templates.

Each degree programme has a specification which gives a concise description of the learning outcomes and how they are demonstrated and achieved.



The Student Systems Operations team are responsible for the maintenance of Degree Programme Specifications on the web.

New Degree Programme Specification

If you need to create a new DPS please attach the MS Word version of the document, in the standard template (as above), to an email and send it to Student Systems. Make sure you type ‘New DPS request’ in the subject line of the email.

Amending an Existing Degree Programme Specification

To amend a current DPS attach the MS Word version of the amended document, with the changes highlighted and in the standard format, to an email and send it to Student Systems. Make sure to include ‘Amended DPS request’ in the email's subject line.

Other queries

For any other queries about DPS publication and maintenance, please email Student Systems and type ‘DPS query’ in the subject line of the email.


Student Systems

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