Roles and responsibilities

Information on quality assurance and enhancement roles and responsibilities.

Management of the quality of the student learning experience

The quality of the student learning experience at the University is managed by key University committees and a Deputy Vice-Principal responsible for quality assurance and enhancements. The quality framework is implemented and managed by Academic Services and key members of staff across the Colleges and Schools.

Teaching quality assurance

The Senatus Academicus (Senate) has primary overall responsibility for teaching quality assurance and enhancement and exercises ultimate control of quality assurance. In accordance with its responsibility for the regulation and supervision of teaching, Senate puts in place arrangements in respect of quality assurance and enhancement of education provision and reports on these to Court as necessary.

Quality assurance framework

Senate devolves powers to the Senate Quality Assurance Committee (SQAC) which is responsible for the University's academic quality assurance framework. SQAC also oversees the monitoring and review arrangements of Colleges and Student Support Services and acts as a planning forum for the discussion and promotion of developments in academic quality assurance.

Deputy Vice-Principal

The Deputy Vice-Principal Students (Enhancement) convenes SQAC and has oversight of the University’s academic awards and for the implementation and continuous improvement of the University’s arrangements for ensuring the quality of its teaching.

Implementation and management

The Deputy Vice-Principal is supported by Academic Services who implement and manage the quality framework. Formal responsibility for routine monitoring of teaching quality is largely devolved to the three Colleges and key members of staff across the University also support the implementation and management of the quality framework within their Schools and Colleges.

Quality Year Planner (473.38 KB / PDF)

 School Directors of Quality

School Directors of Quality provide effective leadership in developing, implementing, maintaining and reviewing quality assurance processes in the School, and through these to inform enhancements and contribute to strategic developments in learning and teaching.

School Director of Quality Role

Annual report to Scottish Funding Council

The annual report to the Scottish Funding Council on institution-led review and enhancement activities is signed off by University Court. The report provides Court with assurances of the effectiveness of the arrangements in respect of quality assurance and enhancement of education provision put in place by Senate. In endorsing the report, Court confirms that it is satisfied the University has effective arrangements to maintain standards and to assure and enhance the quality of its provision, and that the standards and quality of the learning provision continue to meet the requirements set by the Scottish Funding Council. Court also receives the annual report of the Senate committees. Access to these reports enables Court to monitor the effectiveness of the arrangements put in place by Senate and to raise any matters of serious concern should these arise.