
Introduction to the Code of Practice and its relationship to the University's regulatory framework.

Students at research student day

The University aims to give research students an exceptional and distinctive experience that prepares them to make significant contributions to knowledge during and beyond their period of study. This Code provides guidance and practical advice for research students to assist them in maximising their potential. It also provides guidance and practical advice to support supervisors in undertaking their crucial roles.

Since the University has a diverse research community with a variety of practices, this Code highlights common features and should be read along with School and programme-specific information.

Most aspects of the Code are relevant to distance programmes, however where different arrangements apply these will be highlighted in the relevant programme handbooks. The Code focuses primarily on students and supervisors of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Master of Philosophy (MPhil) programmes and many aspects are also relevant to MSc by Research programmes. However some MSc by Research programmes may have different arrangements for supervision and assessment and these will be highlighted in the relevant programme handbook. Where students are studying on jointly delivered research degree programmes (for example through Doctoral Training Centres), some of the arrangements for supervision, assessment and support may differ from those described in the Code.

The Code is not part of the University’s formal regulatory framework. It should be read in conjunction with the formal requirements set out in the University’s Postgraduate Degree Regulations, Postgraduate Assessment Regulations for Research Degrees, and other relevant University policies and regulations, many of which are referenced in the Code.