Recommendations the examiners can make after the viva and before approval by the College Committee. At the end of the viva, the examiners may, if they have agreed a recommendation, indicate their recommendation to the student. It is important to note that this recommendation is not final and is subject to approval by the College Committee, and examiners will make this clear to the student. Possible examiner recommendations after the viva: Award PhD/Doctorate Minor corrections needed Additional oral examination needed – no further work on the thesis required, or stated minor corrections Additional work on the thesis – no oral re-examination needed – Resubmission for PhD/Doctorate Substantial Work on Thesis and Oral Re-Examination Needed – Resubmission for PhD/Doctorate Award MPhil Award MPhil following Minor Corrections Substantial Work on Thesis Needed before Resubmission and oral examination for MPhil Award MSc by Research Fail This article was published on 2024-07-29