What is reviewed?

Core elements of the annual review and reviewing supervision arrangements.

Programme handbooks will give information on annual progression review arrangements. In addition to reviewing the student’s report or presentation and discussing progress on the student’s thesis, some of the things that reviews may include are:

  • A timetable for progress agreed by the student and supervisory team.
  • A record of whether deadlines have been met.
  • The results of any taught elements of the programme.
  • The student’s report on any programme of skills training they have undertaken to support their research and any transferable skills development they have undertaken.

Reviewing supervision arrangements

Sometimes a student’s research changes direction and may move away from the supervisors’ expertise. The annual progression review lets supervisors consider their own competence to deal with any new research area. It also provides an opportunity for the supervisory team to revisit the distribution of supervisory responsibilities. If different expertise is needed to support the student, the School can recommend a change in supervisors to the College Committee.