Responding to the student voice

Resources from the Scottish sector-wide Enhancement Theme student-led project on responding to the student voice.

As part of the Enhancement Theme, Evidence for Enhancement: Improving the Student Experience, a student-led project on responding to the student voice produced a resource pack, a scan of international practice, and examples of practice.  All resources can be found on the Enhancement Themes website.

Enhancement Themes - Responding to the student voice

Resource pack

A resource pack based on a set of card that sets out a series of interrelated principles of practice was produced as part of the project. Staff and students worked in partnership to design and shape the cards, aimed at improving policies, processes and practices around responding to student voice. 

The core principles that should underpin effective practice in responding to the student voice identified through the project were: work in partnership; utilise representative systems; encourage dialogue; be timely; ensure transparency; embed ethics; support enhancement-led approaches; and celebrate achievement.