Roles and responsibilities

Student, supervisor and College committee roles and responsibilities.

At the University of Edinburgh, each student is supervised by a team of at least two supervisors; a Principal (or “Lead”) Supervisor, and either a Co-Supervisor or Assistant Supervisor, who are appointed by the College. The nature of the research project and the best interests of the student will determine the makeup of the supervisory team and the key responsibilities of each member of the supervision team must be agreed by the team at the beginning of the student’s programme.

However the responsibilities are distributed, all supervisors are expected to take an active role in supervision and all have a responsibility towards the student.

Students' responsibilities in relation to the research project, thesis, supervision, training and development and resolving problems.

Roles of the Principal, Co- and Assistant Supervisors, and supervisors is Associated Institutions. The responsibilities of the supervisory team.

Role of specific College committees with responsibility for postgraduate research.