Other support and information

Where to find academic and pastoral support, wellbeing information, skills training and supervisor training, and information on University appeals, complaints and conduct processes.

The University offers a wide range of support services, resources and information, including academic support, wellbeing services and skills training.

How to find help with resolving problems.

Key content and information contained in the Programme Handbook.

Student support offered by the Students' Association, Careers Service, English Language Education, Library, computing resources and Disability and Learning Support Service.

Support available from Student Counselling and health and wellbeing services.

Where to find information on research, digital, professional and transferable skills training for students.

Information on the Fundamentals of PhD Supervision and Fundamentals of PhD Examination courses, optional courses from the Institute for Academic Development and mental health training for staff.

Part-time working during study, University policy and information for student visa holders.

Where to find information on fees, tuition costs, scholarships and student funding.

Academic governance for research degrees and the student contract.

Where to find information on the student appeals process and the supervisor's role in appeals.

Where to find information on the University's Complaints Handling Procedure.

Where to find information on the University Code of Student Conduct and on academic misconduct.