Career development

Support with considering career options and priorities and opportunities to gain experience throughout studies available from the Careers Service.

Research graduates enter many different careers both within and out of higher education. To ensure students make satisfying, well-informed career decisions the University encourages PGRs to explore their career options, and to consider their career priorities in the context of professional and personal priorities, throughout their study.

Early engagement with career thinking will enable postgraduate research students to develop further as researchers, and prepare for future success, whatever their career trajectory. PGR students should be encouraged to take advantage of the many opportunities they will have to gain experience, develop skills, access relevant training, engage with employers, and build their professional networks to prepare for their future career.  Students are encouraged to reflect on and record their experiences so they can consider areas of strength and interest, which will help them to identify suitable professional development opportunities and to make a successful career transition. Supplementing this with rigorous and ongoing reflection will help them appraise career options, and assess their own suitability in the context of skills, values and strengths.

PGR students can get support with every aspect of career management, culminating in a successful job search and application strategies. Students can expect: bespoke career management programmes, tailored workshops and webinars, access to employer events and fairs, as well as individual career consultations.  

Careers Services: PhDs and MRes Students