Research and skills training and support for students

Where to find information on research, digital, professional and transferable skills training for students.

The University provides information, support and training for research, digital and transferable skills. These skills are vital for development as an independent researcher and important for life and career after the degree.

Research, digital and transferable skills are often developed as an integral part of supervision and engagement with the research community. Some students may also be able to access credit-bearing research methods courses and in some cases these are a required part of a student’s programme of study.

Digital, transferable and professional skills development training is provided by Colleges, Schools, the Institute for Academic Development (IAD), the Careers Service, the Students’ Association, Edinburgh Innovations and Information Services Group. More information on the range of support available can be found on the Doctoral College web pages.

Doctoral College

Students whose programmes of studies are delivered in partnership with other universities (for example via Doctoral Training Centres) may also have access to training opportunities delivered through those partnerships. Students also have access to online and University Library skills development resources, and digital skills development resources through LinkedIn Learning, an online skills development service.

University LinkedIn Learning information pages

Students are strongly encouraged to take the initiative in their own development and record their portfolio of skills, including:

  • Attendance on regular training and development opportunities in accordance with their personal development needs and the demands of their research.
  • Use of online training to develop research, digital and transferable skills.
  • Use of the library and online resources.
  • Engagement with the research community including presenting at seminars, tutoring and demonstrating, producing publications and attending conferences.

The Institute for Academic Development (IAD) website also provides some useful information on and resources for postgraduate researcher skills development.

IAD Doctoral researchers’ website

Annual progression reviews take account of what training and development opportunities students have undertaken and offer an opportunity to discuss future needs.