Thesis requirements

The criteria for award.

Award criteria

The criteria for the award of research degrees as set out in the Postgraduate Degree Regulations or otherwise agreed by the Senate Education Committee are that the thesis must:

  • Be the student’s own work, except where indicated throughout the thesis and summarised clearly on the declarations page of the thesis, and must not have been presented for any other degree except as specified on the declarations page.
  • Present a coherent body of work.
  • Make an original and significant contribution to knowledge in the field of study.
  • Relate particular research projects to the general body of knowledge in the field and show adequate knowledge of relevant literature.
  • Demonstrate critical judgement of the student’s own work and that of other scholars in the field.
  • Present the results of the research in a critical and scholarly way.
  • Contain material worthy of publication.
  • Demonstrate that any publications included in the thesis are the students own work, except where indicated throughout the thesis and summarised clearly on the declarations page.
  • Be presented in a clear, consistent and accessible format.

The Institute for Academic Development provides more information and advice on writing up your thesis.

Writing up your PhD

Additional information

More information on thesis submission, including thesis submission forms, is available on the University website.

Doctoral thesis submission

Postgraduate Degree Regulations