What happens if the supervisory relationship breaks down

Support for the supervisory relationship and where to seek advice.

If the supervisory relationship seems to have broken down, students or supervisors can contact their School Postgraduate Director. If they cannot resolve the problem then the School Postgraduate Director or the student can contact the Secretary or Chair of the College Committee. If there are problems with the supervisory relationship then University staff will respect confidentially and limit disclosures to as few colleagues as necessary to resolve the problem.

If there appears to be a breakdown in the student-supervisor relationship and problems are not able to be resolved locally, the supervisor, the student and the School/Deanery Postgraduate Director should consider approaching College for additional support and advice. The University will always try to resolve conflict in a positive way. That means that the parties who are in conflict should give informed consideration to finding a mutually acceptable way of resolving the conflict. Schools/Deaneries can request assistance with this process from the College.

Support for students experiencing problems with the supervisory relationship is available from the Students' Association's Advice Place.

The Advice Place